Chapter 20 - Nightmares

Start from the beginning

"You look tense Freen. It must have been because of your workload. You know.. I can give you a massage.. if you want?"

"Interesting.. what kind of massage are we talking about?"

Her gripped on the steering wheel gets stronger because of the tension.

Becky moves her lips closer to Freen's ear and whispered.

"A neck or shoulder massage you pervert."

And Becky lets out a laugh, satisfied with her own teasing to the older girl. Freen's gripped on the steering wheel starts to relax as she realised she was being played.

"You're such a tease!"

"Hahahaha! But I'm serious. I can give you a neck massage right now while you're driving."

"Alright, do your best. My neck and shoulder started to hurt."

Freen moved her neck left and right tried to ease the soreness.

"Damn, your muscles are tight Freen. You should relax more."

"How can I relax when a beautiful girl is next to me??"

"Oh, shut up!"

"What?? It's true!"

"Yeah, yeah.. stop flattering me baby. Now, please take a few deep breaths to ease your muscles."

Freen took a few deep breaths and her muscles started to relax a bit making it easier for Becky.

"Ahh... Bec.. that feels good."

"Can I put a little more pressure on?"

"Y-yeah.. ohhh.. just like that.."

Becky keeps on massaging the back of Freen's neck, making the tight muscles finally a bit loose.

"It's less tense now. Maybe you need a full body massage. I'll consider it when we got home."

Freen was too occupied with driving and the pleasure she got from the massage that she didn't ever hear what Becky was talking about.

"Emmm... ahhh... Bec.."

"Baby, you're moaning my name."

"Oh, shit. Sorry hahahaha that was so good I can't help it."

"Did you feel better now?"

"Well.. you heard me moaned didn't you?"

"Loud and clear. I guess I did great then."

"You want anything before we go home?"

"Can we stop for a milk tea?"

"I thought you were cutting off some sugar??"

"Aww come on~ it's only a cup.. plus, a cup of milk tea is not going to increase my sugar intake if you're the one who's being sweet with me."

"Sweet talking me huh? Is this all the sugar talking??"

"Hahaha worth a try. But please~ Freenky baby? Can I have a milk tea??"

"With a voice so cute like that, I'll buy the whole store for you."

"That is such a good idea you know? Why didn't I think of that before?"

"Uh ohh.. no, Becky. We are not buying a milk tea store just so you can drink it every day."

"I was just kidding~ Why so serious~"

"It's not my fault. You never joke about milk tea. Can we just share a cup?"

"Sure, but make sure you order the large one okay?"

"Okay kaa~ but with only half sugar. Okay?"

"But it won't be as delicious!"

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