14 | Wake Up Call

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From the moment I saw his angry face storm into the store, I could already tell how the next few seconds were going to play out. Immediately, I found myself crashing onto the hardwood floor from the impact of his fist.

"You fucking bastard!" Sett roared.

Ahri shrieked in horror as Evelynn instantly rose from her seat.

"The hell are you doing?" the diva exclaimed.

Sett seemed to ignore the two and marched towards me again, pulling me close by a tight grip on my shirt collar. He reared back his arm again and sent it flying into my face.

A low chuckle almost escaped my lips, inappropriately curled upwards at the corners. It strongly juxtaposed the stinging sensation burning on my face.

Perhaps I deserved it for leaving Sett behind like that, or rather, leaving all of HEARTSTEEL behind like that. I knew from Aphelios that he was one of the more upset people at my departure and made it very clear that I should expect at least some physical violence should we ever reunite. And well, here we are.

"Why did you do it?" he growled.

I met his fierce, enraged eyes.

"Do what? Assault her?" I asked back.

But that only seemed to worsen his mood. His sharp eyes narrowed.

"Don't be stupid. I know the story with her. I'm asking why did you leave HEARTSTEEL?"

"You were there Sett. There was no way out. I either get terminated by the agency or I leave on my own terms. I simply chose the latter," I explained.

His face contorted into a deep scowl.

"There was a way out. You just didn't fight hard enough for it. You didn't fight at all. What was the point in spending years together as brothers if you were never going to put faith in that bond in the first place?" He dragged my face closer, his voice dropping low with dripping venom. "I don't care about what reason you had or this whole 'doing it for us' bullshit. You're the one that turned your back on us."

It was my turn for my expression to harden.

"Don't lecture me when you don't even know the full story. I'm trying my best for HEARTSTEEL too," I seethed.

I grabbed the wrist that was firmly grasping my shirt collar and pushed it away. Sett seemed to back off, but the intense anger on his face did not diminish. His steely eyes looked down from above with contempt.

"You trying your best is tearing us apart," he simply stated.

I rose to my feet, dusting myself off and opened my mouth to retort, but another voice beat me to it.

"The fuck's your deal Sett? Are you crazy?" came the exasperated voice of Evelynn.

She wedged herself between the two of us and pushed Sett away as she stood defensively in front of me. Ahri also ran over, grabbing my head as she examined the area where Sett had struck.

"Are you okay?" she asked with concern, closely inspecting the bruise marring my face.

It didn't hurt that bad, so I think I was fine. Well, other than the taste of iron that was building my mouth.

"I'm fine," I assured her, but it did little to quell the agitation in her expression.

On the other side, I could hear Sett's dismissive fury.

"Lay off Evelynn. (Y/N) needs to hear it," he grunted.

"Hear what? You just came in here and started being violent out of nowhere, then started shit talking him. Obviously I'm not going to just stand here and let it happen." She crossed her arms.

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