10 | Running

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"HEARTSTEEL'S (Y/N) (L/N) caught in assault case?"

"Ambulances found near HEARTSTEEL's hotel after show!"

"Sunset Agency's CEO refuses to speak about (Y/N) (L/N)!"

"(Y/N) (L/N): A star or a criminal?"

My thumb, as if hypnotized, mindlessly scrolled through the ocean of article titles, each one flashing by my glazed over eyes.

A cold wind blew through my hair as I overlooked the sleeping sun falling just beneath the far distant cityscape horizon. It was just about that time that the sky was inexorably dyed in pastels of pink, orange, and blue. It would've made for a perfectly artistic sight if it wasn't for the deeply rooted bitterness that gnawed at me.

I found myself simply standing at the edge of the agency building's roof. Perhaps it was because I knew the rest of K/DA were waiting down below, or perhaps it was the desire to feel high after being so low.

People down below carried on with their day without a care in the world. Like minuscule ants, mere dots moved hurriedly in crowded lines up and down sidewalks, with slightly larger specks racing through the streets. How much longer until I could find myself among them?

With a sigh, I tore my sight away from them, folding my lips in slightly.

Just what was this?

I was so upset, but it was that kind of overwhelming disappointment that it was difficult to feel anything at all. I wanted to be mad. I wanted to shout or cry or even curse out Akali's name. But all I could do was gaze outward listlessly, feeling that smothering hollowness slowly take over my insides.

I suppose it was out of good will, but how could anyone ever be happy when confronted with such a deceit? I ran a hand through my hair, a tinge of lostness clouding my head.

Was this it?

I've burned my bridge with her. Maybe I was already among those 'ants'. Wasn't that what I wanted after all?

Like a shattered glass, fragments of my mind all scattered in different directions, pulling my head in so many different ways that I couldn't even begin to make sense of it all.

"Is that all I am?" I muttered to myself. Is all I am just a problem? The headliner scandal? The idol who ruined himself?

Who was I kidding? I don't have the right to be upset over that. It was the fate I willingly shouldered on my volition. It was too late to regret anything.

"With this, I'm no longer an idol," I boldly muttered to no one in particular, clicking off and pocketing my phone. Maybe I was just too used to being on the stage, but being so high up with the streets so far down below, it was as if I was announcing myself to the world. 

It didn't help the sour emotion building up in my chest, but it was the only choice I had. My part should be done now.

I had began to leave when I heard the rooftop door open. A gentle pair of footsteps calmly approached as I turned to see the newcomer.

"Phel?" I asked with surprise. I suppose I shouldn't be that surprised actually. After all, I saw his sister-slash-manager earlier in the same building. It was only natural that he would be close by.

The blue-haired boy walked up and wordlessly took a seat a small distance from me, opening up his silvery laptop.

This was Aphelios, the illustrious lyricist and instrumentalist of HEARTSTEEL. His sister, Alune, was the manager of the group, and while he is technically a part of the band, he's always on the nonvocal side of things with the producer Yone.

Black Love (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now