13 | This Fragile Tie Called 'Us'

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Sett POV

When HEARTSTEEL was first founded, we were a lot more problematic than people would have first thought. Of course, we were still bandmates, and we did like each other for the most part, but there were just some things that irked me the wrong way.

For example, Ezreal was always too childish. Yone was too uptight. K'Sante was a hypocrite and don't even get me started how many times I got frustrated by Aphelios's mutism.

But if there was anyone that upset me the most, it was definitely (Y/N). Nothing ever mattered to that man. He would ride a motorcycle into the deepest depths of hell and burn to ashes simply if he thought it was a good idea. It was just so clear in his eyes that he never cared about anything, and especially nothing about himself.

It was a shame too particularly because he was so talented. He was just so good at what he did, so I couldn't understand why he was so willing to just throw himself into the fire for no reason.

He didn't struggle.

He would've just thrown it all away.

Unlike me. I was the one who always struggled while he could just shrug it all off. It wasn't fair. 

However, the first time I truly began to change my impression of him was perhaps the night of Ezreal's birthday. It was quite a while ago, being before Kayn had joined the band and replaced (Y/N). We had gotten back from a massive party with K/DA, some management, and a couple other close friends in the industry. All of us in HEARTSTEEL came back to our shared house and didn't want to call it a night yet, so we cracked open a couple more drinks.

"And so I told him, fuck off man!" Ezreal laughed with a tipsy cheerfulness.

The table was loud. After all, put a bunch of drunk guys together, and you're gonna get some noise. I was having a fun time, getting carried away in the atmosphere, but a distinct buzz in my pocket grabbed my attention. Withdrawing myself from the conversation for a small while, I pulled out my phone and frowned upon seeing the name that appeared on the screen.

I slipped out of the dining room quietly. The other members were probably a bit too hammered to even notice.

It was much more quiet in the living room. Of course, you could still hear the muffled festive sounds in the other room, but it wasn't too obstructive. I put the phone to my ear.

"What do you want?" I growled.

My mom's voice played back.

"I just wanted to check on you."

Her voice was delicate, only containing the gentle warmth of a mother. But I didn't care.

"Oh great, yeah, check on me now. Right after you ignored me for my entire life. What, you want some money or something?"

My tone was venomous, a poignant clash against my mother's soft tremors.

I heard a guilty chuckle on the other side.

"I'm sorry son. I don't need any money, I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'm doing just fine on my own. I didn't need you then, and I don't need you now. So, leave me alone," I huffed.

"Right, okay then," came her sad sounding response. There was a small silence before she spoke again. "Have a good night then, son. I love you."

I hung up quickly.

A deep-seated anger boiled inside me. Why the fuck did I have to deal with this when I was just having such a good time earlier?

My shoulders trembled, and I felt the intense urge to just punch something. I grabbed a pillow from the sofa and contemplated venting my anger on it, but the stupidity of the action cooled that thought as I just let it drop back onto the cushions.

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