6 | Information Exchange

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We often find that life very much resembles a delicate flower. We must cultivate it carefully in order to see it bloom spectacularly. But it isn't that part that makes it so much like life; it isn't the beautiful colors and petals and aromas that which we wish to only indulge ourselves in, but rather its roots.

If the plant's flowers are the wondrous joys we present on the surface, the roots are everything beneath that. It is the true meaning behind our actions that drives us to do the things we do, much like how the roots supplies nourishment for the flower.

But at its core laid an unpleasant truth. A truth that dictates that no matter what selfless reason we prescribe to our actions, we can never avoid the fundamental root of selfishness seeded within humanity. Whether we deny it to ourselves or deny it to others, all human action is grounded in the service known as self-benefit.

The root is ugly, so we keep it buried far into the earth, hoping that people are satisfied only with the blooming flower on the surface and that they don't dare to dig down.

That's why when Akali started wanting to hang out more and was unusually friendly, I knew there had to be a reason. A reason beyond the one she would give with a smile, one that laid buried beneath the soil of self-deception.

And there was one indeed.

Of course, being with Akali was fun. That was something irrefutable. But for her, it was a duty, a pledge to fix something. Could such a difference in mutual emotion really be called friendship?

I didn't know.

My head was starting to throb, and I wasn't sure if I was starting to feel the effect of drinking so much earlier or if it was just me overthinking myself down a spiraling madness.

"You alright?" came Evelynn's calm, silky voice. Her bright eyes that could practically glow in the dark was focused on the road in front of her, but I could see her stealing a glance at me as she asked.

I sat in the passenger seat because Akali wanted to sleep in the back, which made for a very quiet car ride, not only out of consideration for the sleeping rapper, but also due to awkwardness. 

Well, maybe awkwardness wasn't the right word.

Evelynn exuded this strange aura, like she was inhabiting a different world from everyone else. It sometimes felt hard to talk to her because of this, and often I found that I had to tiptoe with my words in every conversation with her. Such mental acrobatics for a verbal exchange was exhausting, so I simply resigned myself to silence, of which was mutually returned by the diva.

However, her sudden voice broke the ice, filling the car with the first sound made in a while.

"Yeah. I can hold my alcohol pretty well. Don't worry," I assured her.

"Not that," she interjected. "You just looked like you were thinking about something serious."

I let out a small 'ah'. I must've been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize what kind of face I was making.

"Oh that? It's nothing," I waved off.

Evelynn gave a quiet hum, flicking her gaze to the rearview mirror to find Akali, fast asleep, laying across all three back seats with a peaceful expression.

"So darling, I'll ask again. What exactly is your story?" Evelynn questioned.

I leaned my head on the window, feeling the cold surface refreshingly fight back the tipsy warmth circulating my body. I watched countless people, stores, and restaurants blur by until I hadn't even realized that I had begun to stare at my reflection itself.

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