5 | Talks over Drink

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"For a long time, you guys have been the world's most anticipated idol group. Even though you were all trainees, your guys' publicity and worldwide attraction made you all practically de-facto idols already. Do you feel as though anything has changed now that you have officially debuted?"

The jade-haired boy laughed.

"Of course! We appreciate everyone that has been with us since day one, and now that we are officially on the world stage, there's nothing holding us back anymore. Expect to see us everywhere you go."

I watched the interview play out on the screen of my phone as I sat on the wooden bench. Even though the sun had long fell below the horizon, the city's numerous illuminated billboards and massive screens lit up the metropolitan like urban stars in the sky. Although I wasn't even near the dense forest of towering skyscrapers, the light still penetrated through the shadowy fog overhead.

A chilly breeze nipped at my cheek.

Tucked away from the busy, fast-moving streets of the city, I rested in a slightly more remote area. Tiny trees and shrubbery sprouted upwards from dirt and empty benches periodically lined the fencing that separated the greenery from the neat, organized concrete tiles that patterned the ground.

A train station entrance did lie a couple minutes away, but this part of the city didn't really have much to offer, so there was little to no traffic, other than the occasional dog walker or elderly person taking a stroll.

As I continued to watch the two people talk on my phone, the screen shifted to black and a name suddenly appeared at the top. I knew what this would be about, but nonetheless I swiped the green icon that glimmered at the bottom.

"Hello?" I asked, putting the phone up to my ear.

"Oh, hello. I hope I'm not bothering you right now," the voice politely greeted back. I checked my watch that comfortably wrapped itself around my wrist, the minute hand ticking forward at that exact moment.

There was still a few more minutes.

"No, you're fine," I assured. "What's up though?"

"I just wanted to thank you again for going along with my selfishness. How did it go this morning?"

I shrugged, a seemingly meaningless gesture that the other person on the line could not see.

"It went kind of as expected. She didn't really want to talk to me at all," I explained.

"Mm. Ahri is rather stubborn."

My gaze swept across the park to the few advertisements that dotted the fence. One of them showcased the person in question, smiling radiantly as she held up a green bottle of soju.

I remembered her weary expression, but even beneath that, I could sense a quiet satisfaction. Was it so wrong to chase her dream? So wrong not to want all of her work to crumble down?

I wasn't sure if my deal with Kai'sa was as justified as I thought it was. It was already an established fact that my presence really could detriment her career, and that was something that none of us could control. So why am I trying to break down that barrier?

"Is this really necessary Kai'sa?" I muttered.

There was a brief silence.

"What do you mean?" she answered back.

"This whole thing. I mean, aren't you afraid of losing everything too?"

Again, what followed was a pregnant quietude. My eyes lingered longer than usual on the soju advertisement, a moment of stillness filling the chilly, night air.

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