"I should at least inform them that you're coming. I haven't heard from my mum, by the way. Sean, did Gisele say anything to you about her?"

My fiance shook his head.

"Even if she did, I wouldn't be allowed to tell you. But she hasn't mentioned anything. Not that we had any opportunity today. Maybe call your maman and ask her." He suggested.

I tried after sending a text to Nathalie. But when I called my mother's number, nobody answered, and eventually, I heard her mailbox recording, telling me to leave a message.

"That's odd!" I exclaimed. "Why would my mother turn off her phone when she knows I'll be waiting for any news from her?"

Sean shrugged and laid his arm around me to try and soothe me.

"I am sure that she's fine. Maybe the soon-to-be parents went for dinner somewhere. If they're still so overwhelmed as they were all day yesterday, they certainly simply forgot to send us any information."

"But what if anything is wrong with the baby or the pregnancy? I mean, my mother is already over forty. There could be so many issues just because of that!" I whined.

It was Caline who managed to calm me when she asked.

"Did I hear you right? Your mother is pregnant too? At the same time as you? That's wow. You're an odd family. And I mean that in a good way."

I giggled.

"Yeah, that's what Sean and I told each other. You're weird, but a good weird. He even had the guts to tell that to my face when I was in labour!"

The red head raised her brows to that and glared at my boyfriend.

He defended his words by telling her.

"We were in a lonely cabin in the mountains. She had just told me that she was in labour and at that moment I noticed that it was snowing. And my dearest girlfriend, who was just in a gap between two contractions, looked to the window and exclaimed. 'Oh really?' How would you have reacted? When I then was about to examine her and told her to relax, she looked at me as if I had offered to, well do very different things down there."

The young teacher could only shake her head over all the things she heard from us.

"Oh my, I can't wait to talk to Nathalie. If you have so many hilarious stories to tell already, what will she be spilling once I've gotten one or two cocktails into her?" She snickered with sparkling eyes.

"That's not going to happen!" I informed her. "Nathalie is still breastfeeding her girls and doesn't drink any alcohol for the time."

"Oh, well, I can wait." Came her response.

When we entered the mansion, Caline and Nathalie hugged each other for what seemed like an eternity. Both had to wipe their tears when they parted, but kept laughing at the other woman. Then the former assistant looked at me and laid her arms around me to pull me into a tight embrace.

"Thank you. If it wasn't for you, we probably wouldn't have made the time to meet in the close future. Sometimes,  it just takes a good friend, who decides to bring another friend back home with her." She then whispered into my ear, before kissing my cheek. Kissing, not pecking as we usually do to say hello.

Sean only grunted and laid his arm protectively around my waist, showing his claim on my affections.

I laughed at him, and the other two women quickly joined me.

"You don't have to be jealous, darling." I teased him. "Nathalie and I simply like to be a little more affectionate than most people. We both agreed not to do anything intimate without your and Gabriel's permission or at least knowledge."

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