Beautiful Pregnant Women

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The photos were taken rather quickly, much faster even, than we had expected. Gabriel, who had out of a sudden mood placed himself and Sean in some pictures as well, seemed to really enjoy joking around with Nathalie and me, even posing to kiss her and my belly, laughing and flirting with his girlfriend all of the time.

The whole session was approaching the end, when he all of a sudden kneeled down in front of Nathalie and pulled a black, velvet case out of his pocket, taking the woman's hand into his own, whispering hoarsely:

"Nathalie Sancoeur, I love you more than my own life! I am right here in front of you, begging you to forgive me, for all those times I hurt you, with or without purpose and asking you to become my wife. Will you marry me, my love, my soulmate, my best friend?"

The assistant had tears in her eyes, when she smiled down at him and nodded vigorously, then croaked:

"Of course I will! I love you so much!"

Wiping his own tears with the back of his hand, he slipped the ring onto her left hand, kissing the back of it, as he did, then got to his feet and pulled her taut to kiss her savagely.

Francis was sobbing audibly and blowing his nose, while he beamed at the freshly engaged couple widely.

I was crying a little bit myself and Sean laid his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"It's okay!", he whispered, "I can understand, that you feel a little sad and jealous right now!"

But I shook my head with a grin.

"Those are just happy tears. Those two were meant for each other from the very beginning and nothing should have ever come in between them. I am just so touched, that I could witness this moment and be with them, because I love them both very much! Don't give me that look, I mean as part of my family. Not the way, that I love you!", I hummed, not even noticing, what I did.

He stared at me open mouthed, then cupped my face with both his hands and beseeched me:

"Repeat that please! The last part at least!"

I must have had a bewildered look on my face for a couple of minutes, then it clicked and I understood, that I had just told him for the very first time, that I loved him. With a blissful smile, I said hoarsely:

"I love you, Sean!"

His kiss was so savage and devouring, that my legs felt like pudding and were starting to give in.

It was the stylist's overly high pitched cry, that brought us both back to reality.

"You two are so cute, I could eat you up alive!", he squealed.

I giggled and turned my head a little bit, to look at him. Then I just shook my head and leaned back in, relishing in my boyfriends wild affections.

"Oh God, Sean, I would so like to go into our room right now and...!", I hummed seductively, but he shook his head.

"You know, that wouldn't go the way you wanted it to! And even if I did agree to try, Gabriel and I have something to show you and Nathalie first!", he told me secretively.

"Oh?", I wondered with a smile, "what is that?"

"Surprise!", came from Gabriel, causing the man with the pony tail(no pun intended), to let out another deafening screech.

"Francis, if you don't learn to turn your volume down, you won't be allowed to come and visit, when the babies are born!", I scolded him in annoyance.

He gasped, once again laying his right hand dramatically over his heart.

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