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A/N: Well, here you go! Chapter 2! Enjoy!

Being busy with rehearsals, playing the violin and lately, thanks to accompanying Adrien to the boat, his classmate Juleka lived on with her mother and her twin brother Luka, I had also begun to learn how to play the piano 'and' the guitar, so time passed by rather fast. Luka had quite some talent for the violin too, even more amazing though, after hearing him tell Marinette, that he had built the instrument all by himself.

I told Adrien later that night, when we were in the back of the car, his bodyguard was driving, that he should better hurry, if he didn't want to lose the girl to Luka. He just gave me a puzzled look, reminding me, that he and Marinette were 'just friends'!

"Yeah, sure!". I teased him, but he didn't react on my words and just kept babbling on about the small, old keyboard he had begun to play with the other kids.

I laid a hand on his forearm, giving him a tight squeeze, to which he winced, and spoke very sternly:

"Seriously, Adrien, even your father would be able to see, that you liked the girl, if he saw you two together. You know very well, that being with Ladybug is just a dream, right? Either you will pine for a superhero you'll never get to really know for eternity, or, even worse, she would tell you, that she can't be with you, to not bring you in danger. So, just give up on the thought of having the slightest chance with her and go for a person, you already know an who won't reject you because of some stupid higher causes. Didn't you call her something like your everyday Ladybug and Supermarinette at the picnic on hero's day? She is an amazing girl, just a little clumsy and nervous around some people. Especially the ones she likes!"

I really hoped, he had understood, what I was trying to (not so) subtly tell him. He obviously had a hunch:

"When you say like, do you mean as a friend or more like 'like', as in she likes to be more than friends?"

I snickered.

"Just sleep a night over it, I am very certain, that you will find the answer!"

Then I ruffled his hair, making him laugh along with me.

"Now you look just as ChatNoir!", I blurted out then mentally facepalmed. Adrien stared at me in shock.

"Wh-wha-hat? I-I.... What d-do you mean?"

"Relax, I was just kitten!", I put one of his own puns on top of everything.

The poor boy was completely petrified and pale as snow, while he kept staring at me. Then his eyes flickered to the front, but his bodyguard had his headphones in and didn't listen to us at all.

"I won't tell anyone, Adrien. It was just a coincidence, because I saw the ring, when you were transformed and remembered, how you hurt your finger with it, when you were helping me carry my boxes into my room. If I haven't told anyone until today, why should I do this now?", I soothed.

Trying to talk himself out of the situation, he started laughing and exclaimed:

"Yeah, good one. Me being a superhero. I can barely get out of the house for the important things, let alone on my own!"

"If you say so!", I said cynically and decided to not pry any further. Instead I turned my head and looked through the window at the streets of Paris, now all grey and dirty, because, as it was already March and was slowly getting warmer, the snow was melting and everywhere I saw little piles of it, stained with all sorts of dirt and sighed wearily. It was about time for spring to come, I thought.

Looking back at Adrien, I wondered:

"So, only four days left until the dance. Are you excited? Who are you going with?"

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