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It was a couple of weeks later, when Adrien gently knocked at the door to Paul's nursery and after a very quiet and soft "come in" from me, he entered quickly and shut the door behind him.

"Hey!", he whispered sheepishly, "may I ask you a question?"

"Yes, sure! Is there something wrong?", I wondered and gestured him to come closer. I was just changing my son's diapers after he had woken up from his nap and afterwards, I would sit down and feed him. There was a chair in his nursery, specially designed for breastfeeding, so the woman could sit there most comfortably, while doing so.

Adrien approached us, taking very good care, to not stand directly in front of his brother. He had made that mistake only once and the baby had peed on his shirt back then. 

"Hello Paul!", he cooed, to then let him grab one of his fingers with his little hands. Taking a deep breath, his cheeks deeply blushed, he then posed his question:

"Do you remember, when you told me.....well.....that the....I mean, the b-breasts are the first to grow, if.....a woman..... you  know...... is p-p-p....."

I didn't let him finish and fell into his word:

"Please don't tell me, that Marinette is....!"

"Oh God, no!", he exclaimed, "b-but, uhm....N-Nino told me, that A-Alya was all moody lately and th-then Ma-Marinette noticed in school this morning, th-that her boobs had grown and told her, that she was making her a little jealous, which made her run off crying, so I had the thought.....!"

"Wow!", I blurted out, mainly because the usually so oblivious boy had noticed something like that, "that really sounds as if she could be.....", now it was me, taking a deep breath, " you know, if they already did...?"

He nodded carefully, making me sigh.

"Well, why don't you just tell your girlfriend about your suspicion. If you're right about that, she will need somebody to talk to and that's mostly a woman's BFF in that case!"

"Marinette is in my room, would you mind, helping me tell her? I feel very, very flustered, when it comes to talking to my girlfriend, I haven't done anything serious with yet, about someone our age maybe being pregnant. So, if you...", he begged with puppy eyes and I grinned.

"Just go and get her here!", I laughed and he quickly ran off.

"Now I found out two things, Paulie! Not only, that Alya and Nino are already sexually active, but also, that your big brother isn't. He really said yet, so I figure, they have done a few things already. But the thing with Alya worries me, sweetie. She is so young, barely sixteen by now. That's going to be hard for her!", I hummed to my son, who looked at me with his big, greyish-blue eyes, the same as Gabriel's already, as if he was listening to me.

"What's going to be hard for whom?", Marinette asked, her face immediately lighting up as she saw Paul in my arms, when she entered with Adrien. 

"Just a second, let me just get comfortable and let him start drinking, so he won't get all moody! Been there a few days ago and wouldn't want to repeat that!", I stated with a grunt.

The girl giggled and questioned:

"Can I hold him, as long as you get seated? And by the way, don't you feel exposed, if we're in the room, while you.... you know, feed him?"

I snickered to that, then placed Paul in her arms. She had been watching him together with Adrien before and I knew, she was really dexterous with small babies, so I felt totally fine, letting her hold him. 

And my son always liked being in one of the teenager's arms.

"I'm fine with you, being here. It felt a bit awkward in the beginning, but I have gotten used to do that around people so much by now, that I don't even mind strangers, watching me. So the two of you are very welcome and don't make me feel any different!", I explained while taking my seat.

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