The Party

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The dress, Gabriel had chosen for me to wear at his birthday party, was not just a plain black one, but it had puffy, short sleeves and similar attachments at the cleavage and around the waist, as well as at the bottom. It ended right above my knees and was pushing my breasts up that much, that nobody would even try to look somewhere else than there.

I gulped, when I saw myself in the mirror and turned towards my boyfriend, saying:

"It's really beautiful, but I feel like a prostitute, standing under a streetlamp waiting for her next customer, when I display them like that!"

I pointed with the index fingers of both hands at my boobs and made him chuckle.

"Well, my love, there is just this one other choice then!"

He handed me a skin tight, black dress, that ended at my ankles and showed my tiny bump a lot.

"Uhm", I began, to be interrupted by his kiss to the side of my neck, while he hugged me from behind. "There is this cute accessory, Adrien's new girlfriend designed, that will be distracting from this", he rubbed gently over my belly, "and give the girl a head start into the world of fashion!"

And then he laid some kind of scarf around my waist, made of pure silk, yet with loads of paillettes attached, the ones, which could be turned and by that would change the colour, so they could change from black into a dark blue. He tied it at one side of my hip, then tucked the loose ends in on the other side, one around my front, the other around my back, and by that the openly hanging fabric with the a little heavier paillettes covered my secret completely.

"Oh my gosh, that's brilliant. Was it your idea or Marinette's?", I exclaimed.

"Marinette's!", he admitted, "but I had to offer a little help with the attachments!"

He pointed at the tiny plastic discs.

"Yeah, I can imagine her sewing her fingers to the fabric, if she tried that all alone!"

Gabriel giggled.

"Well, we chose the even more simple way and just ordered the fabric with those things already sewed on. It's done by machines and way less stressful!", he explained. "But now, get out of it and into the bathroom, so you can get to bed afterwards!"

"Hmh, now we're getting somewhere!", I mused, making my lover quirk an eyebrow. "Relax, I was kidding, I really am exhausted right now!"

"Good. Because after this afternoon I am not even sure, if I can still get myself hard enough, even if I tried!"

I giggled and whispered seductively:

"You've thought that before and then.... I bet, if I would ask Nathalie to join us again....."

"Will you please stop that? It's hard enough for me, to handle the situation as it is!"

"Oh, I am sorry, darling!", I cooed, "let's just go to bed and cuddle a little, yeah? Maybe we can do something else in the morning!"

He laughed and shook his head.

"Will you ever get enough? Or are you just trying to catch up on the years, you didn't even try to have sex?", he mocked me and I pretended to pout.

"Just go and get ready for bed, we'll see, what will happen!", he ranted, caving in at my look and I grinned and vanished into the bathroom.

We had both fallen asleep rather quickly and after that, we woke up early the next morning, Gabriel even a tiny bit before me. I could feel his hand gently caressing my belly, when I did and smiled.

"Good morning!", I said, "since when are the two of you awake already?"

He laughed and scooted up to kiss my lips. I turned my head to the side, before he could and he instantly said:

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