Maman's Concerned Glare

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"How about having a family breakfast all together today?", my boss asked in the morning, after he had woken up early, even for his measurements at quarter to five.

I only gave him a grunting sound from the toilet, where I had instantly rushed too, when his shifting and stirring had woke me a couple of minutes ago. He stuck his head through the door and laughed while saying:

"What's wrong? Not feeling up to handling so many people today? I actually thought, Adrien would love it and your maman will certainly enjoy having a meal with you for the first time in forever. We could get into the car and buy some freshly baked things at the Dupain-Cheng bakery and even invite Marinette as Adrien really seems to like her!"

"Good luck with that. As far as I've been told, she is late to class most of the time. I would think, that she needed some time last night, after being to the ball with her biggest ever crush!", I snorted.

"Well, maybe her parents could send her, when she's awake?"

I nodded and yawned, while glaring at him until he eventually understood, that I didn't like him in the room, while wiping my ladyparts after being on the toilet. He had the audacity to giggle and shake his head, as he left me to do, what I had to do. Only a moment later I shambled back to the bed, my eyes halfway shut and got on all four to crawl onto it and under the soft satin sheets.

"Come back here!", I whined sleepily. "It's cold and lonely without you!"

"Really? You want to sleep even longer?", he wondered.

"'You' were the one telling me, you wouldn't do anything with me, before I had at least eight hours of sleep. And guess what: We went to bed around 9 o'clock PM and now it's not even five, so, there have been only seven hours and 45 minutes! But I won't insist on those fifteen minutes, if you come here now and......"

I rolled to my side and pushed the duvet aside, so he would have a look at my, only with my panties covered, body.

"It really is tempting love, b...."

"Don't you even dare to say 'but' right now!", I hissed angrily and made him laugh even harder.

"I just love, how well you can handle those evil little hormones!", he lilted teasingly, "like you aren't doing that at all. They are simply controlling you!"

"Well aren't you funny!", I spat and reached for the comforter to cover myself again. He reacted instantly and took a few, long steps to close the distance and catch my hand before I could even grab it.

I slowly moved my arm back to my front, while I grinned at him in triumph. He didn't smile back, his face looked troubled somehow.

"What?", I sighed frustratedly and rolled onto my back, my arm shielding my eyes from the light.

But he shook his head and forced a grin to his lips.

"Better?", he said hopefully, but I just gave him a certain look, by tilting my head to the side and raising my eyebrows for a moment, trying to make him spill, what bothered him.

He started to caress the skin on my arm, then my shoulder instead of talking to me, and was about to brush the soft tips of his fingers down my cleavage to my breasts, when I simply demanded:

"Gabriel, talk to me!"

He inhaled deeply, then let out a long sigh.

"It's stupid and totally pointless, and most likely just the fear fed imagination of a man, who didn't have that issue with his first child, because Emilie never even wanted to have any kind of sexual relation with me, while she was pregnant. But now, seeing you, your flawless appearance before me, wanting you so very much, while being scared like shit, to hurt you or the baby, even though I know I won't, makes me feel bad, because I want to please you and feel you and....I don't know how to make you understand that. Just ignore my face, okay? I really want this, I just can't stop worrying for now, but I want to fulfill all your urges and make you scream, I just need to start slowly and very carefully, alright?", he explained, while rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. Then he gave me a shocked look and asked: "Hey, why are you crying, did I say..."

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