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I barely recall the things, that happened over the next hour. Gabriel wasn't home, so we could just reach Nathalie, who promised, to try and get him to the phone as fast as possible. And to send us some kind of snow plow, that would be able to make it through the quickly falling snow to our little cabin.

It was Sean, who spoke to her mainly, because I wasn't really capable of it.

I kept one of her sentences, she had directed at only me in mind though and that gave me the strength, to make it through that last agonizing pain.

"You are a young, beautiful and very strong woman and you can do that, alright. I will be thinking of you all of the time!"

I had nodded and rolled to my side at the very next moment, my legs pulled up as far as possible, my hands squeezing Sean's and I was certain, I almost broke them, but he didn't even grimace.

After doing another examination, he cupped my cheeks with both hands and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, then whispered:

"Are you ready to meet your son? Because you're fully dilated and with the next contraction I need you to push. As strong as you can, alright?"

I must have looked scared and bewildered at the same time, as my boyfriend took my hands and squeezed them tightly, then asked:

"Did you understand me?"

"Yes, I.... oh damn it, this is....", I cried out in agony, while clinging on to his hands.

But this time, he freed himself and instead placed my hands on the back of my thighs, to pull them towards me, then he placed one of his own on my right and encouragingly called out:

"Now just push! As hard as you can. I know, it hurts and it will get worse, but the pain will only get less, when you get this baby out of you! That's it, keep going!"

I did, as strong as I could, though I felt as if my intimates were torn apart.

"And again, as soon as you feel the next contraction. Yes, you're doing so good. Don't stop, just a little more...."

I was panting heavily, hearing Sean say:

"One more, darling, then the head will be out and it's going to be much easier!"

I nodded and screamed, as I felt another contraction and pushed once again, suddenly feeling way less pain and hearing my doctor whisper:

"Okay, the head is out! Now you need to take slow puffs, like blowing out a candle, and by that the rest of your son will be out soon!"

A moment later the last pressure and pain was gone and I could hear the baby cry, while I let myself fall back into the cushions, trying to catch my breath.

Sean had quickly cut of the umbilical cord and was now placing 'my son' on my chest, after pulling up my shirt. He had wrapped him into a towel and I immediately held him to my body with both hands, cooing softly:

"Hey little baby, please don't cry! It's so great, to finally meet you! Thank you for being there for us, Sean. I love you so much! Just come here, please! Would you like to hold our son?"

He stared at me open mouthed, while tears began to stream down his face. Then he placed himself beside me and laid his arms around both of us.

"I will hold him later, when I'm doing a first checkup. Just take your time to bond with him. Still liking the name Paul?"

I nodded.

"Very much even. Would you hand me my phone please? I'd like to call Nath again and let her take a look. Maybe Gabriel made it home too by now!"

Wandering OffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora