New Agreements

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Other than his father, who usually was very introverted, Adrien let everyone inside of the mansion hear, how happy he was about soon being the big brother to not only one or two, but three little siblings.

Marinette was still with him in his room, when Gabriel and Nathalie returned from the hospital and at the very moment he heard the news, he kinda exploded like a powder keg filled with enthusiasm and bliss. He was obviously jumping and running through his entire room from the sound of it, pulling his girlfriend with him, who could barely keep up his pace, mainly because of her natural clumsiness.

He was rather disappointed though, when his father forbid him to see Nathalie right away, because she was supposed to rest for some time.

"But I will just stay a few seconds and I won't be loud, I just want to hug her and tell her, how wonderful these news are!", he made the saddest puppy eyes and begged, "please father?"

Sighing I stood up and stepped into the hallway, where I carefully pushed the door to Adrien's bedroom open and once more interfered with his father's way to raise him.

"Can I suggest something?", I questioned the moment they turned their heads to look at me.

I could tell, that Gabriel was trying to hold his anger at me back and I quickly seized the chance and said:

"If you would like to, both of you, we could go into my room, listen to some music, in a moderate volume and maybe do something nice for Nathalie?"

The teenager's face lit up and he immediately wondered:

"Well, that sounds actually great! What for example?"

I smiled and winked at Gabriel, who visibly let go of the breath he was holding.

"Thank you!", he mouthed towards me, as I passed him by, to sit down on the sofa between the teenagers. I was well aware, that I was keeping them apart, but I wanted them to focus and I kinda was jealous, because I had to wait until most likely late in the evening to have a little kissing or make out session or even....well.....

I grinned and shortly squeezed his hand, then flung myself onto the white leather and took my time, to get comfortable, making Gabriel grin and the teenagers squirm in anticipation. Or at least I hoped it was anticipation and not, what they had been doing, while we were gone, they were barely fifteen for fuck's sake!

I decided to ask them and so I pryed:

"So tell me, what have you two been doing, all alone in this room, while everybody else was gone?"

I looked from one to the other, trying to see them blushing or begin to stammer around, but their quick response made me rather certain, that they were telling the truth:

"Whatever you might have thought, we have just been sitting here, watching a movie!", Marinette exclaimed immediately, her cheeks of course flushing, but when weren't they?

"Yup, just a movie", Adrien confirmed, "so, uhm, what did you mean with doing something nice for Nathalie? What do you have in mind?"

I shrugged, I hadn't thought it through completely. But as I am a rather quick thinker, I only was struggling for a few seconds, then suggested:

"Well, why don't 'you' tell 'me'?"

Now he beamed widely, just because I gave him the choice.

"Mh, let me think. Were you talking about something, we could make for her to look at, like a picture or something or were you thinking more of anything too keep her busy?", he rapidly gushed out, making his girlfriend roll onto her back and giggle.

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