34 - Allahs plans?

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Aisha sought solace in silent prayers, entreating Allah to guide the unfolding events toward what was truly best for her. Her mind echoed with the supplications for a resolution where Muhammad would choose to marry her alone. The palpable tension in the air mirrored the conflict within her, a delicate hope that wrestled against the tumultuous reality.

"Enough! I will not allow you people to turn my home into a marketplace! In kun yi yayan kaji ne toh ni ba Dan kaza ba," Alhaji Salman declared, putting an end to the escalating arguments. "This is ridiculous and can be better discussed. Muhammad, please take A'isha home. A'isha, I apologize for how your welcome dinner ended, and everything will be better communicated tomorrow. Nadia and Jamila, ku shiga ciki, and everybody else can go home too. Thank you for honoring our invitation."

A'isha promptly got up, expressing her gratitude for the evening, and waved at everyone before heading to Muhammad's car. Layla's cries echoed in the background, but her nanny swiftly picked her up and carried her inside. Fareeda followed A'isha, offering a comforting hug. "I'm sorry about all that happened today, really. Aunty Jamila is a pain, wallahi, but it'll be all sorted out in shaa Allah. Keep your head up," Fareeda reassured, and A'isha nodded, giving her an appreciative smile.

As A'isha settled into the comfort of Muhammad's car, she couldn't shake off the heavy weight on her chest. Deep breaths were her feeble attempt to suppress the tears welling in her eyes. Today had been more than an evening; it was a parade of discomfort under the scrutinizing gazes of Aunty Jamila. Disrespected and disoriented, A'isha's world had been unceremoniously turned upside down. All she craved was the solace of home, to retreat to the sanctuary of her bed, where tears could flow freely, and perhaps, just perhaps, she would wake up to find it was all a cruel dream.

Muhammad guided the car out of the compound, and once they were on the street, he turned to A'isha with concern etched on his face. Sensing her distress, he asked gently, "Are you okay?" A'isha, not inclined to conceal her true feelings, shook her head in the negative. The weight of sadness lingered, and words seemed inadequate to express the turmoil within her.

Muhammad grappled with an unfamiliar tightness in his chest as he drove, an unsettling mix of emotions swirling within him. The paradox of caring deeply for A'isha's well-being while simultaneously causing her pain gnawed at him. The confrontation at her parent's house replayed incessantly in his mind, her words leaving an indelible mark.

You want to know what I'd like? I'd like to not be marrying you right now! I would like to not be marrying a coward who can't communicate or apologize.

I will complete wifely duties, not because I currently give a shit about you.

Those words, laced with hurt and frustration, resonated within him. Despite his reluctance to admit it, he wanted to shield her from the harshness she faced tonight, a delicate flower in the storm of his tumultuous world. He felt a genuine liking for her, maybe even more, yet the fear of vulnerability held him back. The realization stung – she was right, he was a coward, afraid of both love and his own capacity for emotional connection.

The prospect of trying to mend things with A'isha weighed heavily on him, exposing a vulnerability he wasn't accustomed to revealing. The fear of how he might appear in her eyes, attempting to reconcile with someone he had hurt, added another layer to the complex emotions swirling within him. It was an unfamiliar territory for him – navigating the intricacies of emotions and relationships – and the discomfort of it all heightened his sense of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry about how the night turned out A'isha." He managed to say to her.

Muhammad seethed with frustration as he reflected on the tumultuous evening. The unexpected appearance of Nadia, with her air of superiority and materialistic mindset, grated on him. Her attempts to belittle A'isha only intensified his anger. Muhammad despised such shallow behavior, and the stark contrast between A'isha's genuine nature and Nadia's arrogance heightened his frustration.

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