11 | Getting to new eden

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The dirt road stretched endlessly before me, a plume of dust trailed behind me like a banner. This has to be like 3 hours driving already, the sun beating through the leaves. My vehicle rattled over the uneven ground, its hydrogen motor whirring top rpm every time I got off the ground as I pushed it to the limit.

"C'mon, we're almost there, New Eden, new life" I muttered, more to myself than the machine. This leg of the journey was taking forever.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, a roar sounded in the distance. I glanced in the rearview mirror to see a familiar vehicle gaining on me fast, spewing smoke. All rusted metal and squeaking parts. What was it doing way out here?

The vehicle pulled up close, its pilot obscured behind dusty windows. For a moment, we raced side by side, my electric machine against the handmade relic beside me. A competitive fire lit inside me. No way was I letting this rattletrap show me up!

"AI, unlock the traction control and any other driving assistance!" I slammed down the gas, determined to leave it in the dust. "Alright, show me what you're made of!" I yelled, my voice lost in the wind.

The old vehicle revved its engine in response and shot forward. Oh, it was on now! I tightened my grip on the steering yokes, ready to push my skills to the limit. This stranger wanted a race? Well, I'd give them one they wouldn't soon forget!

The landscape blurred past in a rush, soon the greenery changed to rock and sand as we raced neck and neck across the off-road. I pushed my ride harder, edging inch by inch ahead of the roaring relic beside me. Who was this mysterious driver who seemed to know these parts so well?

Glancing over, I barely just make out a silhouette behind the dusty glass. My curiosity burned, even as I kept my eyes locked on the uneven terrain ahead.

Just then, the vintage vehicle pulled forward in a sudden burst of speed. I cursed under my breath — no way was I letting them get the best of me! With a determined grin, I yanked hard on the steering column, executing a tight turn around an upcoming boulder. My tires spun up a wave of grit as I shot forward on an intercept course.

The stranger veered sideways in surprise as I zipped across their bow. As we raced on, I glimpsed enormous eyes and a grizzled beard behind the glass. I let out a whoop of exhilaration. "Come on then, let's see what else you can do!" This woods hare was going to learn what happens when you challenge a city girl on her own turf!

The chase was on as we left plumes of dust in our wake, two pilots testing their skills across the endless clearing.

The mysterious stranger accelerated again, their old engine roaring defiantly as if to say this race was far from over. I clenched my jaw and gunned the hydrogen motor, feeling the responsive surge of power. We shot neck and neck through a narrow canyon pass, the walls a blur on either side.

Suddenly, the stranger veered off the main trail onto an even rougher side path, kicking up a spray of gravel. Were they trying to lose me? Not a chance. I yanked the steering yokes and sent my ride fishtailing after them in hot pursuit. The uneven terrain jolted my teeth, grinding my focus, I'm on not letting this challenger out of my sight.

The side path twisted and turned, testing both our reflexes and the suspension of our machines to the limit. Low hanging tree branches whipped past and I ducked more than once. Just how well did this person know these back trails?

We burst again out of the woods into a wide gulch. And there, up ahead — a rickety bridge spanning a deep ravine, barely wide enough for one vehicle. The stranger showed no signs of slowing down. Were they crazy? We'd never make it across side-by-side at this speed!

Dream's End at Reality's Gate: The Freeway Fare Between WorldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora