16. Feelings

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From the moment I had seen Eris in her office, I knew something was wrong

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From the moment I had seen Eris in her office, I knew something was wrong. She was quiet, too quiet. I watched her while we stood in the elevator, nothing. The whole car ride to her house, she was silent. After checking her house, I helped her out of the car. The snow had fallen heavily and I didn't want her falling in this weather.

I got her to the front door and that's when she first spoke.

"Hey, it's pretty bad out, do you want to stay here for a while, just until it calms?" She asked, politely. In all of my time of working for Eris she had never spoken to me this softly.

I took a look at the weather, pretending to decide whether I should take her up on her offer or not, but I had already decided. It was freezing outside and I didn't want to be another victim in the snow struggling to get home. I turned my head back towards her and sighed,

"Yeah, I think that may be a good idea, otherwise I'll be stuck for hours." I said, following behind her into her house.

I watched as she walked into the kitchen and started preparing something to eat, it was nearly 8pm and darkness and a white blanket had swallowed the city whole. The winters weren't usually this bad but this year it had hit us like a storm and left certain areas of the city blocked off.

Drifter had moved into his own house recently and was snowed in. Not that he would complain, he didn't do much when it came to work. Eris had started preparing what looked like a lasagne and she was cooking away preparing the pasta.

I sat on the chair by her kitchen worktop and admired the interior of her house, which I hadn't done before. I heard a grunt from her and saw she was struggling to open a jar of tomato sauce.

"Need a hand." I offered, waiting for a snide remark.

"Please." She said, passing me the jar and getting back to checking on the lasagne sheets.

I stood from my chair and rounded the kitchen island joining her beside the gas top. I didn't know what it was about Eris recently but she always seemed to work her way into my mind. Maybe it was the time we had started spending together after Pierre's observation the night she went to dinner with Max.

I had started learning things about her, not everything but bits of things. I now knew she had always wanted to open a clothing business, her favourite colour was maroon, she bought this house when she was 18 with all her savings, she had worked her way up the business ladder without her fathers help, and I also had that confirmed with her father. She didn't want to live in the spotlight like her father had. Yes, her business was booming and in every paper but they didn't know she was related to Victor and that was all by the orders of Eris.

She was 10 when her mother died, her current best friend was Scarlett, she had recently got quite close with Mr La Ross who she was doing business with, he had been her first successful business agreement, everyone else in the business industry never did business with her because her work and designs were on another level. She had started layering the Lasagne when I stopped staring at Eris's face from the side. Hopefully she didn't notice.

I had become her bodyguard thinking it was a quick and easy job, I didn't realise Victor was in deep with Pierre when he approached me. But little did I know Victor had secrets of his own, ones he hadn't even told his daughter. After trying to figure out Eris, the first couple weeks of working for her, I was left clueless, her file was useless. That was until I came across that article, it was on an unknown site, one a person couldn't find if they were searching about Victor and Pierre. I managed to catch sight of the link otherwise I wouldn't be piecing things together either.

Victor hadn't even mentioned to me his reasons for helping me get rid of Pierre, but whatever it was I didn't care, I just wanted him gone after what he did to me. So far all I knew was there was a possibility that Victor was in a love affair with another woman, who wasn't Irene Sanchez, Eris' mother. I had asked Drifter for a background check on both Eris and Victor but he still hasn't got back to me. I needed to pull him up on that, and I needed to start piecing this all together before Victor and I carried out our plan. I needed to know all the information and ulterior motives before heading straight into a trap.

I was so engrossed with my mind and its thoughts I hadn't realised Eris was staring at me with the lasagne tray in her hands and her lips pulled into a straight line.

"Oven, please." She said, making me realise I was standing in the way.

"Oh." was all I could say, mentally slapping myself I decided to go sit back down in my seat. I watched Eris clean up and by the time the lasagne was made it was 9.30pm. We both sat at the island top in silence, I was hoping she would say something but nothing.

"You make a great lasagne, it reminds me of my mothers." I cleared my throat getting her attention.

"Thank you, I'm taking it your mother makes an amazing lasagne." Eris commented.

"Yes, I always told her she should become a chef." I said, watching Eris smile for a moment before slumping her head again. For the rest of dinner we sat in silence, soon we were both perched on the sofa in her living room waiting for the storm to calm before I could head home.

"I noticed a bag in your back seat, is it a clothing bag?" Eris asked me, surprising me, she had noticed my packed bag.

"Yes, it is. Drifter and I were supposed to head home these holidays, with Christmas approaching, our plane cancelled at the last minute due to weather alerts." I responded.

"Drifter?" She asked, confused.

"Oh, he's a mate of mine, that's just his nickname. You actually met him the day I came to do the usual house checks. Well, that was the drunk version." I smirked, while Eris laughed.

"So when were you going to ask for time off? Considering you booked a plane." Eris questioned, raising her eyebrows.

"I ran it by your father. He was fine with it." I told her, watching her adjust herself on the sofa.

She let out a sign before saying, "Well the weather doesn't look like it's getting any better, we can kill time with a movie, if you want." Eris suggested.

"Yes, why not, won't be going anywhere any time soon anyway." I huffed, adjusting myself to get more comfortable.


1189 Words! New chapter!!!

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