11. Lies

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I sighed, knowing I wasn't getting anything out of Leo, not now anyway

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I sighed, knowing I wasn't getting anything out of Leo, not now anyway. I focused my attention back on my father when I heard the word plan leave his mouth.

"For the plan, this took a ton of convincing for Leo, and I'm sure you're just as stubborn but my plan is final. I have decided that you and Leo should date temporarily until we get Pierre off our backs." My father informed me.

I let out a laugh hearing those words leave my fathers lips, "Are you crazy?", I sniggered watching how my fathers face did not falter for even a second, "This must be a joke because there isn't a chance in hell I am going to consider that."

"Well Eris, it's a good thing I'm not asking. I'm telling you the plan and whether you like it or not, you will listen. I have had this already with Leo and I am not going to convince you, we don't have time for that." My father scolded me.

I turned to Leo, "Are you hearing this? He wants us to 'fake date'." I watched how Leo's face didn't change, he just stared at me, "And what, you're just fine with it."

"No, it took a lot of convincing but it's only temporary for Pierre." Leo spoke stiffly.

I was stunned with my fathers plan and even more stunned that my bodyguard had agreed.

"I'm sorry, but no. My answer is no." I sharply yet confidently announced before leaving my seat and exiting the office door.

" I sharply yet confidently announced before leaving my seat and exiting the office door

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I slumped back into my seat when Eris got up and left after hearing my plan. I knew this wasn't something she wanted, it was something she needed yet wasn't aware of it. I looked over at Leo, who was a tall, muscular man and the epitome of a bodyguard. I had hired him knowing he was the best in the business and with Eris' constant moaning and their bickering I was sure he'd be ready to quit soon. And that's something I couldn't afford.

Leo rose from his seat and started pacing back and forth.

"I knew she wouldn't like the plan." He roughly enunciated, "Not that I'm a big fan myself."

"I am aware that the plan isn't ideal but it's the best idea at the moment and will ensure Eris' safety. She may not like it but she will have to get used to it, "I stated, "She will come around, just give her some time."

"Well Victor, time is something we don't have. And I hope you don't forget the deal you've made me. Because last time I checked, it was you begging to help me, just so I could babysit that stubborn daughter of yours. You know I'm not in this business anymore." Leo stated, gradually tightening his hands.

"I am aware. This plan is going ahead without Eris' permission. You do your job and I'll do mine." I promised, while shaking hands with him.

I shook hands with Victor agreeing to go ahead with the plan, but right now my only concern was Eris

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I shook hands with Victor agreeing to go ahead with the plan, but right now my only concern was Eris. I didn't agree to all this extra headache, but with this deal on the line, I was keeping it together. I needed to convince her otherwise, everything planned would go to shit.

Victor and I both left the office, and confronted a worried looking Wolf, which was rare, because this man was like me, cold faced and cold hearted. Or maybe I had misread him.

"It's Eris, she stormed out of the house and she's taken one of your cars. She was pissed and angry." Wolf informed us.

"I'll find her." I volunteered, knowing full well right now she was my responsibility.

Victor tapped me on the back before hanging his head and walking back into his office. I never felt bad for anyone but a part of me felt bad for Victor knowing his stupid daughter was making life hard for him.

I rushed out the house so I could catch up with Eris, this woman was giving me grief and I hadn't come across anyone like her. Stubborn, stupid, and asshole. As I twisted the key and reversed the car back, I was glad that she knew she was an asshole.

I knew she wouldn't go to her place because she can't go in without behaving like a child. So I decided to check out her office first. When I arrived, I was thankful, I didn't have to drive around town looking for an annoying princess.

I took the elevator and when they opened Scarlet was busy packing to go home. I watched as she walked towards the elevator and got in as I walked out,

"She's angry, be careful." She informed me, making me snigger.

I walked into her office to see her facing the windows in her office chair. I needed to convince her tonight to go along otherwise we would have issues. I took small steps and stopped in front of her desk.

"Boss." I called, waiting for her to swing her chair around. She did just as I thought and for once Eris did look angry.

"What do you want? And why did you follow me? It's past your shift, you can go home." She questioned bitterly.

"Well, as long as you're out, my duties to you remain." I answered, seeing her roll her eyes whilst leaning back in my chair.

She stood and stormed to the office door, opening it wide, "Leave, now." She demanded.

I let out a laugh and slowly strode towards her, "Eris, you're being unreasonable here. When I leave this room, you will surely regret it." I voiced in a low tone, pushing her closer to the wall.

"Leave." She repeated in a lower tone.

"Are you sure?" I urged, lowering my forehead so it touched hers.

I watched her eyes soften, and she blinked constantly trying to compose herself. I leaned forwards our lips seconds away from touching, I noticed her eyes start to close and touched my lips with hers, she tilted her head for more access and as she did I turned and left.

I direct myself towards the elevator and hear a frustrated moan from the office. I had to do something to convince her and if it meant faking these little moments I would.

I turned and watched an irritated Eris slump against the office wall as the doors closed.

"Stupid girl." I sneered, soon she'd be running after me begging me to drop her home.


1093 Words! New chapter!

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