4. Plan

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Another chapter!

I had woken at 7am to make sure I was ready for my new job

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I had woken at 7am to make sure I was ready for my new job. When I first met Eris I didn't think much of it but when I found out I was to be her bodyguard, I didn't like it anymore then she did.

She thinks she's capable of taking care of herself, she couldn't even step into her own home yesterday. And if she thought I wasn't going to get her back for the seatbelt incident yesterday she had another thing coming.

I quickly got up and decided to workout as I still had two hours. Once I was done I ate breakfast and showered. I grabbed coffee and breakfast for us both before I drove to Eris's house. I opened up my coffee cup and put all the sugar sachets into it. I quickly placed them back.

I messaged Eris,

Leo: I am waiting outside.

It hadn't been two minutes and she messaged,

Eris: Give me two minutes.

Two minutes, ok guess that's fine. I was starting to get uncomfortable when I realised 10 minutes had passed and soon these coffees would start getting cold. I started typing but caught a glimpse of a body leaving her house. Finally, it took long enough.

She took her time walking down the drive. She turned to look back at her house before getting in.

"My office please." She commanded respectfully.

Nothing stopped me, after waiting for so long I didn't hesitate to put my foot down. I parked in the same spot as yesterday and before I could get to her side she was out and off walking.

I grabbed the coffee and breakfast brioche rolls and followed behind. Once we reached the elevator she eyed me confused. We reached the 8th floor and I walked directly behind her and straight to her office.

"Hey Eris, I got you a coffee and brioche rolls." I confidently spoke knowing this would be funny when she spits it out.

"Oh brioche rolls, how did you know? I love them." She excitedly jumped, running towards me. She grabbed them out of my hand and started shoving her hand into the packet like she had never had a brioche roll before in her life.

I pushed the coffee towards her,

"Your coffee." I voiced.

"Oh, thank you but I'm not a coffee drinker." She smiled walking towards her desk.

Every nerve in my body twitched. I turned and headed straight for the office door.

"Close the door behind you." She spoke loudly.

The annoyance present on my face I walked out slamming her door and slamming the cup on her receptionist's desk.

"Ohhh coffee." She giggled.

Once in the elevator, I turned as I saw her receptionist spit out the coffee all over her clothes bringing a smile to my face as the doors closed.

I needed to up my game. I should have known she didn't like coffee, if i read the stupid file her father gave me of all the information I needed to know.

I went back to the car and grabbed my coffee taking a sip, but ended up spitting it over the seat. It was cold. At least the brioche rolls were ok to eat, deep down I was excited my mother would always make these for breakfast when I was young. I wish things were still the same.

I opened up the glove compartment and pulled out Eris Garcia's file. Let's get to reading.

An hour had passed and all I got through was her hospital record. Seriously, did I need to know all this? Her blood was AB negative. Like what was I gonna do with her blood. She was born on 3rd of march 2001. Her mother had difficulty birthing her. Her father was nowhere to be seen. Typical. My father was the same. Never there when my mother needed him.

Anyway I decided to check up on Eris before going off to see her father. He had messaged me last night and said he needed to speak to me about something important. I walked up and got into the elevator as I reached the 8th floor and the double elevator doors opened. I could hear what sounded like a commotion.

I walked out faster to make sure Eris was ok. I walked out to reveal another man with his hands wrapped around Eris's bicep. She was trying to pull out of his brace while Scarlett had his hair trying to get him off.

Scarlett caught a glimpse of me and let go of him and I didn't delay my actions any longer. I strode over quite quickly and gripped the man by the back of the neck and squeezed, making him wince in pain. I grabbed the arm he had Eris by and pulled his arm behind his back.

"Let go of me," He screamed, "Who do you think you are? You don't know who I am."

"I dont need to if you come near Eris nevermind touch her I will put you in the hospital next time, better yet 6 feet under. Do you understand?"

"I am her boyfriend so I won't be staying away." He shouted back in pain as my grip tightened.

"LEO." Eris shouted. But that didn't stop me. I gripped the man by his neck for the second time and headed to the elevator.

"I'm guessing you want a taste of that pussy too, so addictive I tell you." The man whispered.

I could now smell the alcohol stench coming off him. Once the doors opened I walked him towards the front desk and slammed his head against it for the shit he just talked.

I pushed him towards the entrance and as soon as we stepped onto the pavement I grabbed him and threw a punch.

"Talk about her again or come near her, you will be making the biggest mistake of your life." I voiced it loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh Mr whatever your name is, you will soon understand what I mean when you bury yourself between her." He smirked.

I threw another punch before leaving him and turning to head back in before I did something I didn't regret.


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