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Well, that completely killed my mood.

The feeling in my chest tightened, and it felt the utmost worst. I have never experienced such a feeling like this, never, and all I could say right now, was that it hurt.

Hurt more than probably breaking your arm.

So, what better solution to solve heartache, than to drink it away?

I felt like utter shit, grabbing my house keys and heading towards the street stalls nearby.

They were simple food tents, usually just selling Korean street food, and what people were there for the most - the soju.

There's no better place than to brood over your feelings than at a place like this. It might of been only 6PM however, I have no perception of time anyways so it's not like it matters.

I sat down, one of the grandmas who own the soju tents came up to me.

"Oh hello, you look familiar, what would you like today?" She asked me, a cute smile on her face.

"Just bottles of soju, however many you can give me." I simply said, staring into oblivion as she looked at me, dumbfounded.

"No food? Nothing? Not even grilled beef?" She asked again, and I shook my head.

She didn't pester any further, probably seeing how bad my mood was already. She went straight to grab bottles of soju, and came back with three.

I cracked the first one open, pouring it into the glass and downing it. I don't even recall the last time I've had soju.

I normally wasn't one to drink alcohol, low alcohol tolerance would be my worst enemy, therefore I like to play it safe by just not drinking at all.

But this occasion was an exception. I had to deal with the feeling of unrequited love. I laughed to myself, at the mere thought that I really thought he would like me, I guess I should've seen it coming.

This was a really sad scene to look at, just a woman, sat alone, drinking her sorrows away in the early hours of the evening - how much worse could it really get?

After the first two bottles feeling finished, I could already see it was game over for me. I wasn't sure if I could even make it home, so, instead of making rational decisions, I opened the third bottle of soju, pouring it into a shot glass and drinking it too.

At this rate, the alcohol tasted more like fruity water instead, soju has that kind of effect after some time.

"Oh my god, Mei Hirata! I am such a big fan, can I please get an autograph." Two girls approached me eagerly, quickly pulling out a pen and a piece of paper. 

I didn't say much but instead, just signed the paper, handing it back to them. Thankfully they didn't make much of a scene and just left after that.

I sat there, soullessly staring into space, after finishing the third bottle alone, I think the cells in my brain began to fry up. I slammed my face onto the table, my eyes fluttering shut, but still conscious.

"Ma'am? Ma'am!! Hello??" The grandma's voice came rushing out of nowhere, she tried to lift my head up.

"Huuuh..?" I had one eye slightly even open, barely awake.

"Do you have anyone to take you home? Hello?? Where is your phone???" She started to dig into my coat pockets, and then took my purse, looking for my phone.

She took it out, attempting to unlock my phone with my face, but obviously with my stupid state, it wouldn't work.

"Hello???! What's your passcode, please, hellooooo?" She was pretty strong for dealing with such a woman like me, by now, I would've thrown myself out of the place.

My hand gently tapped the numbers of my passcode, unlocking my phone. I felt that I was probably gonna pass out any second soon.

"Alright, let's see, who is this." She dialed for a number, it rang, rang and then suddenly picked up.

"Mei? What's up?" Niki's voice came from the phone, which shot me back awake. I sat up, wobbling on my chair and my entire sense of motion fuzzy.

"Hello uh, is it possible you can pick her up? She's very drunk and passed out on the table for a second." The grandma spoke through the phone, my neck refused to lift my head up, leaving me to just face my head down, eyes once again, closing slowly.

"Jesus christ, what did she do now, I'll be over there in a second." Niki didn't hesitate though, he immediately said he'd come over, which made me - even in my drunken state - feel a little warmth and affection.

"Alright lady, you need to be careful when being drunk alone, huh? Can you hear me?" She crouched down beside me, my head was laid on the table now, facing her, but with my eyes partially closed, "You are a very pretty, young woman, who knows what people can do nowadays when they see you barely able to hold your own head up."

She put her arm on my back, gently rubbing it and then proceeding to walk to the counter, waiting for the arrival of Niki.

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