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"Hirata! To who do I owe the pleasure?" One of the art gallery managers came up to me, embracing me in a hug as I walked through the doors of the gallery.

"Please, don't even." I chuckled lightly as she smiled, we casually walked beside each other, walking around the gallery.

It was oddly busier today, considering it was a random Tuesday afternoon, there were quite a lot of people here.

"Your exhibition will be up soon, I'm very excited, so is the public." She grinned, walking into a completely bare room, just blank walls awaiting to have paintings hung up on them.

"I've had some of my paintings in galleries before, but having an exhibition in the biggest gallery in Seoul is quite unsettling." I gave a nervous grin, I didn't even expect people to notice my art to this extent, but the world works wonders I suppose.

"Oh please, all of the directors are waiting in anticipation, people are dying to see your works in person. They're dying to see you! Show yourself Mei." She chuckled, patting me on the shoulder as she looked over at me with a small, but heartfelt, smile.

I wasn't insistent in covering my face, or being some kind of anonymous artist who refuses to show their face in public, but I just prefer living a quiet life really.

It's nothing strange, sure, I'll show my face in exhibitions, or walking around in galleries, I'll go around Seoul without covering my face, I just prefer to not attach my name to my face in the world of art.

It's always been more comfortable for me like that, this way, people will appreciate the art more than the artist. Which was something I always heavily preached.

"I don't cover my face. Look, I'm out here right now." I chuckled, looking around the empty room, just simply imagining all the paintings of mine I could have here.

"Yes Mei, but people don't know you're the Mei Hirata, sure, you don't cover your face, but you don't tell anyone you're the young artist that paints these famous pictures." She gave a small sigh, "Tell me, how many people know about your face being behind these brilliant paintings?"

I turned to look at her, slowly, pressing my lips together and trying to think. I looked around the room, still in a cloud of thought as I was counting numbers in my head.

"One.. two.. my boyfriend - three - hm.. I'm sure there's some others too." I was using 80% of my thought power into this.

"Yes, exactly, three." The manager stared at me, then proceeded to give a sigh, "I'm not forcing you, but just imagine the opportunities if you revealed your face."

"Wow, it seems like you're bullying me right now." I scoffed jokingly, rolling my eyes afterwards.

"Now don't accuse me of such things, I'm only saying.." She grinned at me, but before I could respond, my phone rang, disrupting the conversation between us.

I looked at the Caller ID, it was from my boyfriend, Min-kyu.

I gave a slight nod of the head towards the manager, excusing myself and walking towards the exit of the gallery. I picked the call up, awaiting to hear the voice of my boyfriend.

"Mei! Hey baby, what's up?" He cheerily spoke through the phone, his voice seemed to soothe any worries about the exhibition completely.

"Not much, just talking with the manager of the Seoul Institute of Art. My exhibition should be up soon." I smiled, strolling aimlessly around.

"Shit, I'm so proud of you, you deserve this." He chuckled, "I'm coming back tonight, will you be there at the airport?"

I had a grin on my face, Min-kyu had been gone for around a month, his job required him to travel frequently which meant we had to resort to facetimes and calls often.

He was currently in Shanghai, from the videos and pictures, he seemed to be having a good time. But thankfully, he was coming back now.

"Uh, obviously. When have I ever not been to see you at the airport? Just let me know your flight details and I'll be there." I chuckled, walking towards my car.

"Of course, it'll probably be a little later at night, so go rest baby, can't have you exhausted." Min-kyu said, "Alright, I gotta go, I'll text you later."

And after we said our bye's, the call ended, and I headed towards my car, sitting inside and giving a long, relieved sigh.

I was glad my life turned out for the better, I would've been devastated if I had to work a monotonous life that I had no passion or enjoyment from.

Lucky for me, everything went well.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now