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 → THE NEXT DAY - 10:26AM

Being awakened by consistent banging on my door was not the way I wanted to wake up - especially after having barely any sleep throughout the week. I thought now that all the events were done for now, I could give myself a break and sleep in for a while.

I guess not.

I thought to myself, it was probably the mailman or possibly even Min-kyu bothering my ass again, so, I didn't really care how I looked.

My hair was a clear mess, my lips puffy and feeling pretty sluggish. I head down, giving a large sigh as I anticipated Min-kyu to be stood before me once again.

Damn, it's so early in the morning.

I opened the door, about to say my line to Min-kyu and then proceed to shut the door on him. But as I opened the door, it came clear to me that it wasn't Min-kyu, but rather Niki.


I was stood there, a whole mess, whereas in front of me, was stood such an attractive man, in such attractive clothes, and for some reason, holding heels?

I looked up at him, wanting to just disappear and hide. He gave a huge smile, looking down at me as if he was proud of me or something. It was one of those smiles you give to someone when you absolutely adore them.

That was the look he was giving me right now, pure sparkles in his eyes, his slightly squinting eyes and smile wide.

"What the hell are you so smiley for." My voice was a little lower than usual, just staring at this radiant beam of a man stood before me.

"Sorry for waking you up, I was about to leave but I realised you left your heels in my car." He handed me my heels and I guess it made sense now.

"Oh, thanks. Have fun." I chuckled, another bitter chuckle.

"How do I look, be truthful." He inquired as I leant against the door frame, I stared him up and down for about five minutes straight.

If I could really be truthful to him, I would've initially said that he looked yummy. But nevermind.

"You look good.. I guess." I rolled my eyes, which made him give a brief laugh.

"You seriously can't come? Not at all?" Niki stared into my eyes, hoping that I'd randomly have a change of heart and just tag along.

I stared at him back, giving a disappointed smile as I shook my head.

"What, looking like this?" I gazed at his face, he was less cold over the recent days.

"You look cute, so what, is that still a no?" His words echoed through my head, and although he asked me a question, I still was hung up on the start.

I clenched my teeth together, fighting the smile that was almost winning. I tried my best to act normal, and as if my insides were not exploding right now.

"You're gonna be late." I simply told him as he gave a sigh of defeat.

"Alright, I'm going. See you around Hirata." He sluggishly dragged his feet away from my porch as I watched him leave my gate. 

The purring of his engine slowly distanced itself away, further and further, till it dissipated and I could no longer hear it anymore. He was gone, he's off to see Boyoung.

Sure, I felt salty as fuck, but at the same time, I hope the two actually have a genuinely good time, and that they find out the meeting wasn't so bad.

I slammed the door shut, emitting a huge groan afterwards. I don't understand this feeling, sure I've been jealous before, but this doesn't even seem like jealousy anymore. It just makes me frustrated.

I struggled to comprehend my emotions and feelings towards Niki at this moment, so instead of trying to solve my issues, I went to go and paint them out instead, maybe they would help me conclude something.

Throughout my whole life, I have never really been one to be jealous and even if it was, It'd never be over a guy, at all. And even if I was jealous, it'd never be to an extent like this.

God it was so annoying having to deal with stuff like this, whenever I was with Min-kyu, I'd never feel so weird and strange. So why am I feeling it with Niki? When I'm not even dating him or anything.

I gave up painting, I couldn't do it. I think that if I were to continue painting, I would've ripped up all of my canvases, and that just wouldn't be good.

After a while, I checked my socials, and to my surprise, Boyoung had posted on her story. I probably should've just saved myself the sour feeling and absolutely should have not opened the story. But I suppose it's a lesson learnt.

In her story, there was a picture of her and Niki, of course, any angle couldn't catch him lacking. And then in the next one, it was in an arcade, a picture of Niki's arms, holding one of those teddies you win in claw machines.

He was basically handing it to her in the picture, and beside it, text that read;

'when he wins stuff for you <3'

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now