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Without second thought, I typed up a response, I tried my best to not show my excitement and stay with my sophisticated charisma.

mei: Hello, I most definitely can hand over a painting or two to your gallery, it is an honour sincerely. Would you prefer an unseen painting or one from previous seasons?

kim.sihyun: This is amazing! Thank you so much, the paintings can be whichever. The demand for your paintings are so high that we'd be grateful for any here.

kim.sihyun: I will message you with further information later.


There was a few hours left until the showcase. It was going to be a huge event, probably the biggest one yet.

It was in a grand place, with numerous of journalists, cameramen, paparazzi and people. It was probably one of the biggest events going in Korea at the moment.

So, over the two days, I had grinded my soul into painting two new paintings. Two medium sized canvases with two completely unseen paintings.

I felt as if it'd be better if the paintings were new and have never been seen before, since then people would be more interested.

Being an artist wasn't all fun and games all the time, I could barely get any sleep due to working constantly, and even barely was able to fit in a meal a day.

I just knew that my hard work would pay off tomorrow.

Interrupting me from my work, a knock on my door made me extremely confused. I stood up from my stool, damn, standing up after sitting down was so relieving, I'm pretty sure my spine was going to curve into a loop soon enough.

I wasn't expecting guests, nor did I really know who it could be.

Without even checking, I opened the door, and regret that decision real quick. I groaned, seeing a drunken Min-kyu sat on the front porch of my house. He was hazily just spinning his head round while barely being able to keep his eyes open.

As I looked down at him, a mess on my floor, I gave a sigh. He managed to open his eyes wide enough to look at me.

"You... you are a cheater... you fucking bitch..!" His words were slurry, but clearly his attitude still didn't change.

"Min-kyu, get home." I had no words for him, nor did I feel bad for him, he probably should have seen it coming.

He held onto the porch banister, trying to stand himself up wobbilly. His hands were grasped tightly around the banister, still sluggishly rocking side to side.

"I'm.. I am.. going to kill that guy! How could you... I will.. I'm going to.. find him and you.. Just you wait!!" And he almost tripped although he was stood still, I just blankly looked at him, not really sure what to say.

"Mm. Okay, sure. Have fun." I was about to shut the door until he spoke once more.

"Mei Hirata, I will.. come back.. You are, mine." He hiccuped and I just nodded my head in order to not spark any disagreeal. I simply shut the door on his ass after that, shaking my head and sighing as I made my way back upstairs.

For some strange reason, he started clawing at my door, like a fucking dog, and then followed by constant banging and yelling.

"MEI! HIRATA!!! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!! I WILL BREAK YOUR WINDOWS!!! OPEN!!" He yelled loudly, almost like a scream at this point, a thud came right after that.

He probably fell to the ground due to how drunk he was. I managed to throw out a small laugh at how stupid he probably looked right now, but nonetheless, I had deadlines due and things to finish, so I tried my best to ignore it.

I looked out to the front of my house from my studio window, trying to see what he was doing, but unfortunately I couldn't see much from the angle the window was at.

A car engine purred, parking right outside of my house, and I recognised that car actually. None other, than Niki Nishimura stepped out from his care, agitated clearly, and in his surgeon scrubs.

Alright, why did nobody tell me that surgeons looked so fine in their uniform.

He was clearly irritated, and he stormed his way up to the front of my porch. I quickly hid away from the window, anxious that he might see me looking at him through the window and it'd just make things so much worse.

"Are you unemployed? Do you have nothing better to do?" Niki groaned loud enough for me to here from here, "This is not what I want to do after a four hour surgery."

And not so long after, you could see him dragging Min-kyu off my property, with such ease that it kind of made me find him even more attractive.

"Leave her the hell alone man, you fucked up, nobody to blame but you." He continued, the tone of his voice aggressive as he threw Min-kyu outside of my gates.

He proceeded to get back into his car and park it into his drive.

Damn Niki, each day I'm more fascinated by you.

riki.nishimura → airport hugNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ