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"Oh come on, you know I didn't mean it like that." Min-kyu groaned as I dropped him off in front of his house.

"I'm tired, I don't wanna talk about this right now." I used that overused excuse on him, and he let out a sigh of defeat as he stepped out, grabbing his bags from the back and heading towards his house.

I drove off, not even seeing him off. I decided it'd be better for me if I went and bought myself something to eat.

So, humbly, I stopped by a convenience store, walking inside and grabbing a few things then and there. I made my way to the cashier, who probably knew me for a good while. This convenience store was one of my go-to stores at any time.

"What's up Mei!" He grinned as I searched my pockets, furrowing my brows as the one that my purse was in, conveniently was empty.

I hurried my hands over every possible pocket, but nothing, nothing at all.

"Uh, wait, where did my purse go." My heart started to beat fast, all of my credentials were in that purse, and so was my card.

The cashier looked at me, with worry displayed upon his face.

"Uh oh."

I looked at him, realising that I've officially lost my entire source of identification.

"Fuck." I groaned, what a fucking day. I rubbed my face, unsure of what to even do.

"Don't worry about it, it's on the house. Quick, go and find it." The cashier flashed a small but genuine smile, I thanked him sincerely, grabbing the stuff and rushing out into my car.

Where the fuck could I have lost that thing?

I leant over my wheel, utterly annoyed, not only by Min-kyu's ignorance and insecurity, but also by losing my whole purse.

Literally how can someone lose a whole purse?

I tried to retrace my steps, back to where I could've had it. And the only thing I could recall was that I had it before seeing Min-kyu, and after seeing him, It was gone.

So that could only mean one thing, the time frame between hugging that random guy and running outside must've been the time where I dropped my purse.

Well, there's no use in going back, it's pointless since someone has probably already picked it up by now.

Everything was going so great prior to this airport thing, and now suddenly the world has decided to turn on me like that.

Defeated, I made my way slowly home, I was completely unmotivated and felt as if the world had just crashed down on me so suddenly. I suppose it could've been worse, but it still sucked to have a streak of good things happen and now it's been ruined.

As I parked my car, I looked at the house beside mine, lights had been switched on and there was clearly someone - if not a few people - inside. I paused, looking at the shadowy figures passing through the window occasionally, I don't know what had drawn me to the house so much, but I was simply curious to see who it was now.

It surely couldn't of been worse than the previous neighbours I had.

I gave a large sigh, heading inside and heading straight towards my bedroom. I skipped past my studio, usually at times like this I would get the most inspiration, and the most motivation to paint, however, after losing my purse I felt completely exhausted randomly.

On top of that, I received a text from Min-kyu, which strangely annoyed me too.

min: baby you know i didnt mean to insult your career like that

min: i just care for you and i dont want you to get hurt

min: you really dont need to show your face, come on now

I rolled my eyes reading his texts, I have no idea what came over me, but out of nowhere, the sight of his messages just sparked irritation in my body.

I responded back nicely, despite my ultimately shit mood.

mei: okay yeah youre right im not going to show my face

mei: im going to sleep goodnight

I wasn't going to argue with him over this, and even maybe cause a break up. We've gone over this topic a lot of times, and although he's never budged over his opinion, I have. And I know if he found out I showed my face or even revealed my name, he'd probably be mad and start an argument.

The urge to just reveal myself became stronger by the days though, as my insight and recognition increased, the urge to just show everyone who is behind the paintings, grew stronger.

My phone pinged again, a text from Min-kyu once again.

min: see i knew you'd come to your senses

min: i love you mei goodnight

"Does he ever shut the fuck up." I rolled my eyes, groaning to myself quietly. But that seemed to take me aback after I realised what I had just said, I sat up straight on my bed, furrowing my brows in shock.

What the hell Mei?

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now