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I looked at him while leaning on my wall, I was confused by what he meant by that.

"All your life? Pfft, I've only been painting officially for about seven years." I raised a brow out of curiosity, he was a very interesting guy.

"And for those seven years I've been trying to collect your paintings. I have a few in my apartment elsewhere in Seoul, I have a few in the house next door too." He told me, and I was pretty taken aback from this.

It just felt surreal to hear from an actual person they want to collect my paintings and hang them in their house because it looks nice, like what.

"Damn, alright, just say you wanna marry me and go." I joked rolling my eyes as he snapped his head to look at me, raising his brows lightly.

His gaze made me feel a little nervous, my eyes scattered around my studio as I felt his gaze on me. He gave a small chuckle before looking away.

"I'd rather burn in hell than marry you." Of course he had to say something like this, I simply curled the corner of my lip slightly at his words.

"The feeling is mutual." I stopped leaning on the wall, turning around and heading out of the studio, and proceeding to go back downstairs.

Thankfully Min-kyu didn't leave such a mess downstairs, It would probably take fifteen minutes to get it back to how it looked like before, I simply sat down on my sofa, giving a very large, exaggerated exhale.

"You gonna be okay here alone?" Niki made his way downstairs, surprisingly not carrying any paintings of mine to steal.

"Yeah, I should be, why. Do you care about me that much?" I laughed, looking at the corner of his lip curl upwards slightly into a smile, followed by him rolling his eyes playfully.

"No. I just don't want to hear loud noise." His words were blunt, as usual.

"Jesus I'm not surprised you're single, you're so cold." I scoffed as he looked at me as if I just said something outrageously offensive.

"Me? Cold? Not at all." He approached me on the sofa, sitting on it and crossing his arms and staring at me for answer, "Explain."

"Psshh, you want me to explain your actions? You can't see for yourself? Oh my god there is really no hope." I leant my head back with a gentle groan.

"I don't even know why I even asked you in the first place. I must be losing my own mind." He stood up, shaking his head in disbelief before walking towards the door.

He hesitated, placing his hand on the handle and thinking before leaving. He turned his head to look at me, about to say something.

I watched him, trying to spit out his words or whatever he was even doing. It was so amusing that I had a smile plastered on my face as I waited.

"Come on, spit it out." I teased as he glared at me, unamused.

"Give me your number." Niki finally spoke, and to be honest, it was not what I was expected. I was expecting more of a 'maybe Min-kyu was right', or maybe like, 'your paintings fucking suck' but nevermind this is good too.

"Wow, are you trying to get free paintings off me? It's not gonna work." I joked as he approached me, holding his hand out.

"As if, I'd rather be homeless than put your paintings in my house." Oh, nope, here he was again, insulting my paintings even though he said he's been chasing them for years, how cute.

"Oh sure thing, I'm guessing I'll be seeing you at the next Hirata exhibition." I gave him my phone, and he typed a few things in and spent a little too long on my phone for some reason.

"Damn it, why did you have to be the one who makes those paintings." He muttered under his breath, but purposefully loud enough so that I could hear him.

I gave a short laugh, yeah, that's right Niki, my works are in your house and there's not much you can do about it.

"Lots of love." I jeered, loving the fact that I'm getting on his nerves.

"Whatever, give me a call if any fuckers that have escaped from the mental asylum arrive at your house." Niki's lips gently curved upwards, as if he was trying to suppress the smile that was so insistent on peering out.

But before he could even let it escape, he turned around, heading straight for the door and straight out. He didn't say goodbye, or even stay safe, none of that, he's a straight up guy, with a straight up attitude, he just simply left.

Damn, that guy is so weirdly interesting. 

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now