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I had no business in being here, so instead, I just left them to it, walking off.

As I walked off, the pain in my feet was tremendous, I have no idea how people can manage to wear heels for a full night out when I can't even wear them for a few hours, I have the greatest respect for people who can wear heels.

I really wanted to go home at this point, but I guess it'd be bad decency to just leave my fans like that. Afterall, they've probably waited a long time to see who I am.

I sighed, heading back towards the little area where I was originally doing my 'meet and greets'. To my surprise, they were actually all still waiting.

Damn, were you guys here for the art or me?

After a few hours, the showcase was closing, people were leaving and going home. It's been quite a long day, and to be honest, I wasn't sure whether revealing my identity was a good thing or not after today.

It was a lot to handle at once, all the questions, all the inquiries, all the flashing of cameras, the noise, everything wasn't really as I expected it.

But oh well.

There were a handful of people left in the venue somewhere, but they were bound to leave soon enough since it's closing time soon.

I walked around, the heels of my shoes clicking against the wooden floor, it echoed in the silence of the venue. Some of the art here was actually so pretty, and it made me wonder why people were so drawn to mine when such others exist too.

I suppose I just got lucky.

I head towards my own area, with my pictures. They were encased in glass just in case somebody tried to steal them, wow, I feel like that is even an honour. I stood there, just staring at the two pieces of art that I sacrificed my sleep and wellbeing for.

Speaking of which, the fatigue had just hit me, and I really thought my legs were going to give in right there. These heels were frustrating me, and as much as I wanted to just take them off and throw them across the room, I had to remain collected.

I have no idea where my assistant even went, or Niki for that case, so I made my way towards the staff lounge, opening the door and expecting at least someone.

But no, there was nobody there. Damn, where the fuck was everyone?

I sat down, feeling a great relief on my body, sitting down had seemed to calm all the pain in my legs and feet. I leant back, resting my head and closing my eyes for a split second.

That split second turned out to be longer than a split second.

I only woke up to chatter around me, and laughter. I refused to open my eyes, just because of how awkward it might be.

"How come you sponsor a lot of art exhibitions and galleries?" The voice of the founder asked someone.

"My mother used to be an artist, she passed away due to medical malpractice, I just support galleries in order to keep others up on their feet, I'm interested in aspiring artists, and I appreciate every piece of work through investing in galleries and events such as these." Niki's voice came out of nowhere, the fuck? What the hell was he doing here still?

"Ah, that's really nice of you. You really do help a lot of new artists by doing this." He complimented Niki.

"Shouldn't we wake Mei up? It's pretty late and It's best if she goes home." My assistants voice intertwined with the conversation.

In this moment, I could feel everybody's gaze in the room on me, even though I had no idea how many people were in this room, I could literally physically feel the staring.

"She must be exhausted, I couldn't imagine creating two pieces of art in under two days. She must've spent the two days just painting and painting." Another voice appeared from the other side of the room.

"She's a very dedicated girl, honestly, I always try and convince her to space out the paintings so she's not doing it all at once - does she listen - never." My assistant gave a chuckle.

The room gave a short while of laughs at that comment.

"Sometimes I wish I was her, her life just seems so perfect." My assistant sighed, her tone of voice sounding a little sad and disappointed.

"How would you know that?" Niki chimed in, his voice was bold among the rest of the voices.

"I've been her assistant for three years now, she has a good relationship with her boyfriend, she's pretty, she's rich. She's got everything - well - maybe not much of a social life, but still." Wow, that end comment was completely unnecessary.

"Hm." Was all that came out of Niki's mouth.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now