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After running around the place like an idiot, in heels too, which mind you - my feet were fucking hurting like a bitch in - I finally found that motherfucker, in a completely different area of the venue, where there were like three people observing the art plastered there.

I tried to hide the fact I was out of breath, he turned around casually, raising a brow at me being there.

"What? Was my fan request not enough for you?" He had to tease me clearly, I simply rolled my eyes, giving a light groan.

"Oh my god, you know what, I should've never sacrificed my feet to find you." I turned around, about to walk off.

"Alright alright, fine, my bad." He interrupt, before I could even leave. I had a smile written over my lips, immediately wiping it off as I turned around back to face him.

He walked up to me, his walk screamed expensive itself, he just presents himself with class and mystery, and that made me interested in him.

"What'd I do?" Niki inquired, raising a slight brow and a smirk.

See now, being asked that question I wasn't actually sure why I went out looking for him. I have no idea what I was doing here and I had no excuse at all. 

So, I panicked, and instead threw out something that sounded convincing.

"My assistant said she wants to see you-!" I hurriedly spat out, looking at his face to see if he believed it or not.

Well, it was true in a way.

"Me? Why?" He gave a breathy chuckle, confused to why someone would want to contact him.

"Uh, I don't know, she said she really liked you." I looked around, trying to sound as sure as possible.

"You sure this wasn't coming from you?" He teased, staring at my face with such an eager smile, I think this was one of the times he wasn't smirking or giving me a smug smile.

I raised both eyebrows, looking at him in disgust.

"Pfft, as if, never." I rolled my eyes, then a guy proceeded to approach me - quite excited.

"Sorry, Mei Hirata, could I please get a photo with you, you are so beautiful. I love your art so much, I actually own one of your pieces." The guy was excited to see me, and even more excited to speak to me.

I gave a huge grin at how happy he was.

"Oh, sure! I appreciate you owning my art, thank you so much." I signed a piece of paper he held up to me. He took his phone out, handing it to Niki and insinuating for him to take the picture since there was like nobody here.

Niki gave a quick glare at the guy, before silently taking the phone and clenching his jaw. He waited for the guy to get ready.

He stood beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist. Niki looked at this, put the phone down for a second, and then proceeded to take the picture.


Niki seemed to be doing this unenthusiastically, he probably took like one singular photo, just because I guarantee he's that petty. He handed the guy his phone back.

"Mei I love you so much, you're my inspiration, I can't believe I get to see you." He jumped cheerily, and out of nowhere, he randomly hugged me, tightly squeezing me in excitement.

I was a little taken aback by this, but nonetheless, just pat the guys back until he got off me. I could feel Niki's gaze on me the whole time, it was very cold, very cold.

The guy eventually left, and I gave an exhale, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Wow, what was that? Deluxe fan service? Where was mine?" Niki complained, staring at me intently, he thought for a second, "Oh wait, you gave me one at the airport didn't you?"

He had such an irresistible smile plastered onto his face, he was so annoying with that. I couldn't help but just smile at his comment, I pressed my lips into a thin line and glared at him.

"I won't be able to live that down, will I?" I rolled my eyes as my assistant came hurrying into the room, frantically looking for me.

"Mei! Oh god, Mei! Thank god you're here, I thought you got kidnapped." She held my wrist randomly, and then dropped it after seeing Niki stood here too.

He flashed her a sweet but short smile, one that he never ever gave me from first meeting, wow, okay Niki, so rude of you.

"Oh, hello. Shin Boyoung, I'm Mei's assistant." She gave a respectful bow as he nod his head.

"Niki Nishimura, nice to meet you." He looked at her for a while, then looked back at me, the edge of his lips curling upwards gently.

"Sorry but, could I get your number? Like, the photos of you and Mei, were just amazing, I believe you have great potential." She pulled her phone out, looking up at him nervously.

"Sure." He cut his gaze off me, taking his phone out and adding her contact.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now