"Saga!" A voice bellowed.

She turned, looking to the man who sat at a round table further away from the long table, his beard trimmed and tied. "Henrick."

Henrick grinned, toasting his ale to her, "The noble and most feared High Commander!"

Saga covered her mouth, her heart aching and healing at the same time as she and Gyda walked further through Valhalla.

Isleif sat at the back of the hall at a scribe's table, the same way he had been before he died, and beside him, Vragi went on and on about his victories and successes.

Bryngerd and Jackdaw sparred on the balcony above the table, taunts flying between them as they jeered, sticks of meat in their free hands.

Siriana sat with Hoder, speaking to him slowly and kindly, a few small babies surrounding them in white cribs.

A bark drew her attention to her side, and she crouched immediately, a watery laugh leaving her throat as Arya bounded up to her, her grey coat bright and full. 

"Hello, My Girl," Saga cooed, running her fingers through the wolf's fur, "hello..."

She was butted from the side before she could hug Arya, and she looked up again, her smile growing slowly. "Oh... my dear, Sunchaser..."

"Do you wish to see our table, My Dear Friend?" Gyda's hand found Saga's shoulder.

"We have a table?" Saga frowned in confusion, her hand stroking Sunchaser's head.

"Of course," Gyda smiled, "come." She helped Saga stand, leading her through the hall to another set of doors. "Open them."

Saga took in a deep breath, doing as she was told and pushing the door open.

This room was quieter than the main hall, and it was less brightly lit. It mimicked the great hall of Dunholm, and Saga found relief in it.

The slight conversation in the room ended slowly, and Saga looked towards the table.

"My girl..."

Saga sucked in a sharp breath, her hand slapping over her mouth, "Oh..."

"My brave girl," Arkyn beamed at her widely, his face just the way she remembered it, "I am so proud of you."

Saga raced through the room, throwing her arms around the father she had not seen in half a century.

Arkyn lifted her off the floor, laughing loudly as he hugged her.

"I never knew you to be sentimental, Saga," a voice joked from the table.

Saga opened her eyes, looking over her father's shoulder, a quiet laugh escaping her throat, "Lord Uhtred."

Uhtred winked at her, sipping his ale, "Lady Saga." Beside him, sat Stiorra and Sigtryggr greeting her with kind smiles and motions to the table.

Saga drew back from her father slightly, taking a step around him and going forward.

"You served well," Brynjar rose from his chair, decked out in armour and gold, "you served your whole life."

"It was my honour to," Saga breathed out shakily. Saga decided then that she had never been more grateful to have died.

"You have earned your place in Valhalla," a man mused, rising from his chair again, "pick your seat."

"Ragnar," Saga laughed out weakly, clasping her hands together in front of her.

Ragnar smirked, throwing his arm out to the table, "Join us, warrior."

A hand touched Saga's back, pushing her forward slightly, "It is time for you to end your service," A calm, soft voice spoke, "we are all equal here."

Marlena was as regal as she had been when she had been alive, her dress a deep purple and her face painted with runes. She smiled kindly at Saga before moving around the table to go sit beside her husband. Behind Brynjar's chair, Marlena pulled out a crib, cooing at the baby inside it briefly before she sat down.

Warmth brushed across Saga's leg, and her fingers grazed soft fur.

Saga glanced down, her mouth opening slightly as Derya's yellow eyes stared up at her. The wolf barked.

"It is nice to see you too," Saga mused, patting his head gently, awe lining her face as he wandered off away from her. 

Derya went to the horses to Sleipnir and Helios, who grazed in a field that was somehow bound to the hall.

"We are all here," Gyda's voice called out, "every one of us is here. We have reunited."

Saga turned back to her, her eyes widening as she took in the figure standing beside Gyda, "Sihtric!"

Sihtric had his arm around Gyda's waist, his beam easy and calm, "I am glad you have decided to join us."

"She could not choose when to come here," Gyda slapped his chest lightly, her eyes adoring.

"I know, My Love," Sihtric pressed his lips to hers gently, "I jest."

Saga felt her heart fall slowly, realisation dawning on her.

"What is it?" Gyda frowned in concern, "What is the matter?"

"Finan," Saga blurted out, "we died together. Where is he?"

Gyda's face softened, and she slowly walked towards her, "Close your eyes."

Saga did so instantly, holding her breath, her heart pounding in her ears.

"You may open your eyes now, Love," a voice gruffed softly.

Saga threw her arms around the man's waist without bothering to open her eyes, "You followed me."

"Aye," Finan snorted, moving his arms around her shoulders, "I could not let you go. You had an axe. God knows who you would have challenged to a battle."

Saga smacked his back, still clinging to him.

"This is the place for battle, Finan," Sihtric mused coyly, "this is the place to live in glory."

"And we have lived so far in such glory, have we not?" Gyda grinned up at her husband.

"We have, My Love," Sihtric agreed softly.

"Glory in Valhalla," Saga mumbled to herself, her heart feeling whole and full for the first time in a very long time.

Gyda and Sihtric went to move past the couple, and as they did, Gyda let out a soft whisper that only Saga and the Gods could hear. "Welcome to Valhalla."

Freyja watched over the hall as the family below her reunited. She let her creek turn to Summer, letting warmth and joy fill the lands. A whisper left her throat, though, soft and meant for the ears of four.

In Anglia, Emil, Hrafen, Leif, and Rúna felt the grief in their hearts dim. Freyja told them that Saga died how she had lived, with an axe in her hand and with the tune of 'Glory or Valhalla' in her throat.

Saga died under a moon as red as her fiery hair.

A blood moon.

(And thank you to all my readers, who came along on this journey with me and I hope to see you in my next TLK fanfiction as well.)

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