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I flew despite Saga's heavy protests.

Cetreht had a large field of barley in front of it. Nothing grew on it yet, so Olav had walked across it and gone into the forest. He'd returned with the knowledge that the land was strong and a pit could be built.

Derya and Arya had been put to work, and since they had been fed, they bore out all of their energy into a pit that was much larger than we needed. 

Still, it had meant that Saga was able to lure a deer, and after Olav had cut its throat and painted my face with it, I felt alive with the power of the Gods.

I went between the human realm and the realm of the Gods with ease, and Odin allowed me the body of a raven with little bargaining. 

So, I flew. I flew over the River Swale and out to the open seas, just in case Henrick had taken a boat. I had crossed back over to Eoferwic before flying up, avoiding Dunholm and going onto Gyruum and Lindisfarne.

Henrick was good at covering his tracks and making sure no one found him. He knew Daga would look for him if the bastard looked for the rest of us. He was very hard to find.

I gave up after my second lap, flying swiftly over Dunholm without getting low enough to the ground to be seen.

"You are close," a whisper sounded in my ears as I exited the lands of Dunholm.

Confusion bloomed inside me. I had passed these lands twice already.

"Down," the Gods ordered, "you are close."

I urged the body of the raven to fly down, surveying the small town I hovered over. 

It looked clean and simple, not very wealthy and decorated by some old churches that I knew no longer held nuns and priests but hungry Danes and their families.

This was Bishop Auckland, and it was only an hours ride away from the fortress of Dunholm. If Henrick was really here, he had hidden himself in plain sight, and he was far cleverer than I had given him credit for.

I could not see Henrick though, nor could I see his horse, but the Gods were convinced, which meant that I had found him.

I rose into the air again, my heart pounding with anticipation and some excitement; perhaps, Henrick had done the impossible and gathered enough warriors to fight.

I startled slightly as a flock of ravens surrounded me, all of us flying the same direction like a dark cloud in the sky. I had never seen Odin send this many to one place.

And far too soon, I understood why.

An arrow pierced the body of the raven right next to me, and it cawed loudly as it fell from the sky, hitting the grass of the fields below.

More arrows started flying after that, and I began to panic, flying faster towards Cetreht so it would be easier on my body when I went returned to my soul. Ravens fell rapidly, their screams like a great promise of death, chilling my bones.

I looked down, despite my panic, my heart stilling for a moment as I took in the men, Danes, on their horses, riding through the fields. These were not ordinary Danes hunting for sport. These Danes supported boar emblems on their armour, and that told me all I needed to know.

My heart jumped as I saw an arrow fly right at me, and against my better judgement, I released the ravens body and shut my eyes.

I groaned loudly as soon as I was back in my own body, my flesh tingling as though lightning had struck me.

"I told you not to," Saga quipped, her hand touching my back and pushing me to sit up.

I pushed away the jug she pressed to my lips, opening my eyes and shuffling away from her, "Where is Uhtred?"

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