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"By the Gods," Saga groaned softly, rolling her neck, her damp hair sticking to her bare body as she walked across the room we shared. "I have never been happier to bathe."

Uhtred had found an inn on the outskirts of Meslach, and with the gold I had given him, he had bought every room and enough food to feed an army. 

We had left the horses in the stables nearby, feeding them well and leaving the wolves with them to rest. Olav had gifted the wolves with two hares each and knitted blankets he had found in a stall in the market.

We had all eaten our fill and drank a bit too much wine to keep warm, thoughts of battles, and capturing lands put aside for the night.

"The innkeeper was nice to bring us hot water," I mumbled sleepily from my bed, lowering the book I had been trying to read into my lap. The text was written in Saxon tongue, and although I could speak the language, I could not read it well.

"With the amount of gold we gave him, it was the least he could do," Saga muttered, slipping on a thin nightdress.

"Remember he is to make sure no one knows we are here," I reminded her, "a few pieces of gold is a small price to pay for safety."

Saga sighed, walking over to the small window in the room, shutting it quietly and closing the bolt, cutting off the moonlight that had streamed in. "I do not like it when you force me to be reasonable."

I laughed lightly, setting my book on the small nightstand beside my bed, "I would not dream of asking you to be reasonable. I simply ask you to look on the brighter side of things at times."

A knock on the door cut off Saga's response, and she turned back to me, raising her finger to her lips.

I shut my eyes, blocking out my heartbeat and hers before sighing in relief, "It is Finan."

Saga rolled her eyes, her shoulders relaxing, "You would think that he would know to make himself known but no." She crossed the room swiftly, turning the lock on the door and wrenching it open. "Irishman."

"How did y— Jesus!" Finan scrambled to look up, his face flushing red and his heart pounding as he took in Saga. "Most people choose to be dressed when they open doors!"

Saga leaned against the door frame, crossing her arms over her chest, "I am not 'most people', Irishman."

Finan coughed, trying to clear his throat, "No, you definitely are not." He lowered his head slightly, refusing to look down entirely, "I came to say goodnight and to let you know that we will be patrolling through the night."

"Patrolling?" Saga straightened out, her interest piqued, "Where? For what?"

Finan sniffed, motioning with his head, "Not far, just around the inn and the stables. Just to make sure that no one is around, you know... Daga's people."

"You are right to be weary," I mumbled, sitting up in my bed, "we are very close to Northumbria."

"Exactly," Finan nodded, glancing over Saga's shoulder at me, "I will take the first shift. Sihtric will go after me, then Osferth, Olav, and Uhtred."

"Two hours each?" Saga asked quietly, "At least you will not be too tired in the morning."

"Worrying about me, Lady?" Finan's face split into an instant grin, and his heart jumped.

"Goodnight, Finan," Saga snorted, turning around and closing the door softly.

He lingered for a moment outside, and I could tell from the small smile on Saga's face that she knew that too.

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