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Saga found herself in darkness.

She looked around in confusion, her axe clutched tightly in her hands. She was standing on nothing, in the middle of nowhere, and there was no one around, just an endless grey.

"Dream me a dream last night, about silk and honest stake..." 

Saga froze. She had not heard that lullaby in nearly ten years, and by the Gods, she had missed it. She followed after it, her footsteps light once again, as though her bones had regrown inside her. She could hear voices now and the clanging of ale jugs as they were toasted together.

She broke into a run as a slither of light appeared in front of her; she had not run in twenty years.

There was a door, oak and heavy, painted with golden leaves. The song was behind it.

"Wore a suit so light and smooth, in the rayback of sunfall.."

The noble warrior pressed her palm to the door, pushing on it slightly. It opened with ease, a bright light momentarily blinding her as she stood between the doorway.

"Hello, Saga," a soft voice spoke, a voice she had not heard in so many years, a voice she had missed so dearly.

Saga forced her eyes to adjust to the light, her heart beating wildly in her chest as she looked at her queen in front of her.

Gyda had grown young once again in Valhalla, and her smile was as bright as the sun. She stood at the front of the long table, dressed in her dress of armour, her sword at her side, and her hair braided the way it had been when she had been burned. 

"I am glad you heard my song," Gyda mumbled softly, holding her hand out to her, "come. It is time for you to join us."

Somewhere in Saga's ears, a brief sound of weeping crossed, barely audible to her, and she looked back into the grey behind her. But then, she faced her Queen again, her Queen who she had fought for her whole life. Her Queen, who she had grown up with. Her Queen, who had once been her lady. Her Queen who was her friend. Her Queen, who was her Gyda.

Saga raised her hand, watching in awe as the sun spots on her hands faded back to smooth, pale skin. Then, she took Gyda's hand.

Valhalla burst to life, the long table suddenly filling with people that Saga had not seen in over a decade. They talked and feasted and sang.

Gyda pulled on her hand slightly, pulling her to her chest, "You took your time, my old friend. I missed you."

Saga felt a lump form in her throat, and she wrapped her arms around her as well, holding onto her tightly. "You left too soon, My Queen. You did not wait for me."

Gyda rubbed her back gently, "I will not leave you again."

Saga held onto her tighter, whispering into her ear, "Your children are safe, My Queen, and they are strong."

"Saga," Gyda pulled back, her smile bright, "I am Gyda."

Saga sniffed harshly, nodding quickly as she raised her hand to brush her tears away, looking to the long table.

Olav was the first one she saw, his wrinkles faded away, turning him back into the young man she once knew. He sat with Torben, Aegir, and Tormund, arguing about something and spilling his ale. He paused when he felt her eyes on him and turned to look at her, raising his jug of ale slowly.

A little away from them, Bjorn, Durin, and Valdemar arm wrestled with Ingemar, who cackled loudly as they protested against her strength.

"Come," Gyda whispered, pulling her friend after her, "we have all missed you."

Blood Moon| The Last Kingdom| Sihtric KjartanssonWhere stories live. Discover now