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"I wish to speak to the Queen!" Uhtred demanded outside my tent, "Let me pass!"

"You have no right to demand the presence of the Queen after you betrayed Northumbria," Saga spat outside as well. "You are lucky to be alive."

"Saga, you know he would not betray Gyda or Sihtric," Finan tried to reason, "Uhtred only went to say goodbye to Aethelflaed. We did not intend to get involved in all of this mess."

"And yet," Saga scoffed, "you did anyway."

"Saga, let me see her," Uhtred begged, "this is not right."

"It is right," Olav finally joined in as well, "Northumbria has been peaceful and kind for too long, and for what? Edward sent his prisoners to us, his castaways and his bitter priests. He slandered us, pretending to want peace when all he really wanted was our land."

Uhtred sighed heavily, and I could imagine him running his hand down his face, "Queen Gyda! Please! I wish to speak with you!"

"Perhaps we should listen to him talk," Sihtric mumbled quietly, Rúna sitting in his lap, toying with his hammer of Thor.

"He will not convince me," I muttered, watching as Emil painted runes over my arm with shaky, unpractised fingers.

"No, I would not expect him to," Sihtric smiled slightly, "but it will stop him from yelling."

I rolled my eyes, lowering my arm so Emil drew away from me, dipping his brush back into white chalk. "Fine."

Sihtric rose, setting Rúna down on the bed in the tent before he crept towards the tent flaps. "Let him in. The Queen will speak with him."

I heard Saga's heart leap in annoyance, but she did not protest, and a moment later, Uhtred burst into the tent, no longer armed. His sword had been taken from him.

"Your Majesty," Uhtred's eyes were wide as they settled on me, and he rushed forward, "this is not right—"

"You will stay back," Emil snapped, pushing his arm out, some of the white paint from his brush hitting Uhtred's breastplate.

Uhtred stared at him in disbelief before taking a step back, "I have done nothing to deserve being treated this way."

"You abandoned your home, Uhtred," I mumbled, rising up from the floor, "you went to Mercia, and you served them. When the battle came, you rode with them, too."

Uhtred groaned, his hand jumping to his chest, "I have served you for fifteen years. Why would I betray you now?"

"Because of love," I sighed heavily, sitting down beside Rúna on the bed, "because of Aethelflaed,"

A pained look crossed his face at the mention of the woman, but he did not deny my claims.

"I understand love, Uhtred," I gave him a tiny smile, "but I would have appreciated you coming to me yourself before you turned your back to me."

"I have not turned my back!" Uhtred snapped, "Northumbria is my home!"

"And yet," Emil scoffed, "you petition for the life of the King of Wessex."

Sihtric left the tent flap open, letting Finan and Osferth step inside as well, their postures hesitant and tense.

"I petition for his life so there may be peace again," Uhtred argued, "you have won this battle, but if Edward dies, Saxon men will rise against you."

"Let them," Emil grit out, "we will kill them all."

"You can not kill a kingdom, boy," Uhtred's eyes flashed as he looked to him, "You know nothing of what it means to be a warrior yet!"

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