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A series of coughs wracked my body, and I stopped packing up my satchel to take a breath, covering my mouth with my hand. My lungs rattled painfully, and my heart raced.

A consequence of overusing the gift of the Gods. For every bit of power I used, a sacrifice had to be made. Otherwise, I would slowly grow sick, and eventually, if no sacrifice was made, I would die.

"Water?" Saga asked softly, hovering close behind me.

I took in a few short breaths, lowering my hand and studying the blood in my palm. "It will do no good."

Saga moved back as I did. "I will ask your father to hurry."

"No." I coughed again, returning from my bed to my desk to place my salt pouch into my satchel. "Do not worry him."

Saga sighed in frustration, "Then, I will send a hawk ahead to the camp so that Henrick and Olav can prepare for the ceremony."

I nodded slightly, fighting the drowsiness that circled my body, "You should go ahead and ready the horses. I wish to speak to Brida and Ragnar before we leave, to give my well wishes before they march."

Saga appeared to want to argue somewhat with my decision, but one weary look had her deciding to simply roll her eyes and nod. "I will be back."

"I expect no less," I mumbled, sitting down at my desk, trying to gather enough strength to move again.

Saga went to leave, opening my room door. "Oh. You."

I turned to look at who was outside, my eyebrows lifting as I witnessed Sihtric standing by my door, his fist raised to knock.

He cleared his throat, dropping his fist quickly, "I have gathered what you have asked."

"The Lady needs rest—"

"Saga," I cut her off, offering her a small smile, "let him in. I have asked this of him."

Saga rolled her eyes at Sihtric, dodging around him and bumping into his shoulder, "You better talk fast, boy, or I'll drag you out of here when I come back."

Sihtric stepped inside the room, looking between Saga and I, trying to decide whether to greet me or appease her.

I motioned to my bed, smiling slightly, "Sit."

Sihtric obliged swiftly, his own smile lifting his lips slightly as he closed my bedroom door and moved into the room, 

"Did you find out any information?"

Sihtric did not sit on my bed, but he clasped his hands behind his back and met my gaze. "There is a man in these halls that speaks lies to anyone who will listen. He is a coward, a drunk, and regarded as no more than a pile of shit by most."

"By most?" My voice was laced with amusement as I rested my elbow against my desk and lay my cheek into my palm.

"Some believe his words," Sihtric shrugged, "but most think of him a yapping dog, switching from master to master."

"And what is the name of this man?" I raised my brow, "Or will mutt suffice as a title?"

Sihtric's smile widened, "Aethelwold, Lady. Though, I think you are right in saying mutt would be enough,"

I frowned, my back tensing as the name sent a shiver down my spine. I had heard that name somewhere, perhaps through my father or Saga; one way or another, it did not inspire trust in me. 

"You have heard of him?"

I met Sihtric's eyes again, "What?"

Sihtric raised one hand to point to his face, "You stopped smiling. It seems you have heard of him, or at least, his reputation."

Blood Moon| The Last Kingdom| Sihtric KjartanssonWhere stories live. Discover now