Chapter 27

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Max's P.O.V

     While Kalia is away and out of the castle, Collin and I prepare the food for the moonlight picnic. Thanks to Courtney’s information we make all of Kalia’s favorite foods, and attempt to replicate her grandmother’s chocolate brownies with a recipe Courtney found in the loft of the bakery. As I continue to cook I notice Collin staring at me.
     “What?” I ask with a shrug.
     “I’ve just never seen this before, I’ve always assumed you have the staff do everything for you,” Collin answers. 
     “Not everything, and I only ever call on them when I’m busy with the royal duties and stuff, otherwise I do most things by myself.” I explain and see Collin nod. I smile and continue cooking.
     “So have you figured out how you're going to ask her?” I swear he’s so full of questions today.
     “I’m still thinking on it. Probably once we’re in the gazebo by the pond, I had one of the maids go decorate it for the evening but I’m so nervous. I mean after everything we’ve been through the thought of her saying no makes me terrified.” I respond and feel my heartbeat get faster just thinking about it.
     “Well you said she told you that she loved you and besides she’s still expecting the baby in the next 5 months so it’s not like you have to get married right away,” Collin states while mixing the brownie batter.
     “True but it’s still nervewrecking. Besides, your love story wasn’t as complicated as mine. Courtney took to you immediately, you didn’t have to chase her across the country,” I point out.
     “Yes but technically you didn’t have to chase after Kalia, you chose to because you didn’t want to take a chosen mate,” Collin growls.
     “No, I chased her nonstop and did everything I did for her because I love her, and will continue to do so until my dying breath as I’m sure you will with Courtney.” I say.
     “Let’s discuss the baby though,” Collin’s voice goes from playful conversation to a serious one. “You’re not actually going to raise it are you?”
     “I don’t see River stepping up any time soon, especially since he’s locked up and will stay there until I say otherwise,” I reply.
     “I don’t know Max, I mean what happens if he or she starts asking questions about why you and them don’t look alike?” He questions.
     “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it and I’m still going to love the child like it’s my own so I don’t see what the issue is,” I speak sharply.
     “Whatever you say, hey how long did it say for the brownies to be in the oven for?” Collin switches the subject.
     “40 minutes.” I answer and start plating the food to pack it into the basket. The maid I had sent to go decorate the gazebo walks in and bows politely.
     “The gazebo is ready for you sir,” The maid says and I thank her.

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