Chapter 21

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Max's P.O.V

     Days turn to weeks and weeks to months. The longer I’m without Kalia the more bitter I become and the further I fall into despair. I have anyone and everyone in the royal guard searching every square inch of Ellington. I stand in the war room leaning over some maps trying to figure out how far she could’ve gotten when Collin and Courtney burst through the doors.
     “Anything?” I ask harshly.
     “Unfortunately not sir, should we try interrogating River again?” Collin inquires.
     “We’ve been interrogating him for weeks, he’s not talking. Keep looking, she couldn’t have gotten far,” I growl. I find myself turning into the worst version of myself.
     “She’s been gone for 4 months, maybe it’s time we start thinking about the possibility that she’s no longer with us..” a member of the royal guard says slowly. He’s not trying to anger me but the next person who speaks up pisses me off.
     “I think it’s time we move on from this and you take a chosen mate,” It was my mother. “I mean clearly she doesn’t want to be found or even be with you.” My head snaps up and I glare at her.
     “How dare you even suggest that! I’m not going to just give up on my mate like that!” I shout. Even though she’s my mother I stand my ground. “We’ll keep looking, there’s got to be somewhere we haven’t looked yet.”
     “We’ve looked in Naspa, Birchstone, Redwood, Timbernook, and even to the border of Winterrapids, with no luck finding her.” Collin says. I can tell everyone in the room feels defeated, but for once I don’t care. My desire to find Kalia is too strong to allow anyone to rest. Just then someone brings River into the room.
     “Tell him what you told me back in your cell,” The guard growls. I look at River angrily, it’s his fault my mate felt the need to run away.
     “I might know where Kalia is,” River grumbles. I lunge for him. 
     “Tell me what you know or I will kill you where you stand!” I snap and I notice everyone backing away slowly. I suppose I could’ve gone about this better but I refuse to be kind until Kalia is safe in my arms again.
     “I was mind-linked by a friend of mine in Riverspeak, supposedly he saw Kalia there with an older man by the name of Brantly,” River says.
     “You heard him, time to go!” My voice is commanding and I along with Courtney, Collin, and a few members of the royal guard leave for Riverspeak. The group going with me to get Kalia tries to keep up with me but I’m in such a rush to get to her that I don’t wait up.
     Let me take over, I can get us there faster than this stupid horse, Mitch growls. Even though he’s right I can’t risk scaring the humans of the kingdom.
     “No,” I say firmly and continue guiding the horse forward.

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