Disclaimer/trigger warning

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Dear readers,

First I'd like to thank you for the support you've all shown. I'm glad you are all enjoying my book and hope that you'll stick around for some of my other projects which are in the works of being created.
Secondly I would like to address that Chapter 16 and 17 of this book has mature content containing topics of abuse and sexual assault. While I never specifically wrote any explicit actions it is heavily implied through descriptive detail of the before and after scenes that things did happen between a couple characters. When planning out the storyline for this book I knew I wanted something big and drastic to happen that would eventually help lead to the perfect ending.
Lastly, I would like to apologize for how these two chapters were written, I know there's a lot of people who could be offended or triggered at the fact that I'd write something like this and I'd like to formally say that I'm sorry. As I said before it was only written in this manner to create a good ending for the story.
Thank you again for all the support!

Sincerely - Lavina Gray

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