Chapter 24

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Kalia's P.O.V

I'm not sure when exactly but I fell asleep. The ride was peaceful and I knew I was safe in Max's arms. In my sleep I talk with Karin. I haven't heard from her in a long while and I want to make sure she's okay. Kalia I promise you I'm perfectly fine, although this little one growing inside us could be nicer, Karin teases.
I know Karin, I'm sorry for what you have to endure during this. It isn't fair to you, I respond to her in my mind. She seems fine with what's going on but I still want to make sure the 3 of us are comfortable. Because it's not just me carrying the baby, Karin is too in a sense and I don't want any discomfort to any of us.
So you finally realized that Max really does love us, just like I told you he does, Karin's stern voice is enough to scare anyone, except me.
I guess I've always loved him, I just didn't want to admit it and besides he keeps chasing me, I laugh and Karin gives a sharp and playful bark in my head. I feel the horse underneath me stop, waking me up. I'm feeling nauseous which typically means I need a bathroom. First I notice that we made it to the castle. Then I notice Max dismount and before I can stop myself, I throw up all over his shoes.
I hear him chuckle as he helps me down. "Sorry, is it bad?" I whisper and he smiles, clearly unfazed by what's happened to his shoes.
"No but it's alright baby, I can have someone from the staff clean them. Come on, let's get you settled in and we'll get you some food once you're feeling better." Max says warmly and leads me inside. As we enter the castle one of the butlers assists Max with his shoes and gives him a clean pair. I feel a shift in the atmosphere of the castle. Too many people reek with the smell of fear.
"What did you do while I was gone? I smell fear, everywhere," I give a small growl and watch as Max's face falls with guilt.
"I uh might've been a bit of a tyrant the past 4 months," He admits and looks away shamefully.
"You might have been unbearable but a tyrant? No, and now that Kalia is back things will go back to normal. Might I suggest making a few apologies to everyone to help ease things back to the way they were?" Collin asks, coming up beside us.
"You're right Collin, I'll get started with that tomorrow." Max says. He then takes my hand and walks me to our bedroom. It's just as I remember it except somehow all my clothes managed to wind up on what was the empty side of the closet.
"Did you do this?" I ask gesturing to the now full closet of clothes. Max nods smiling warmly.

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