Chapter 14

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Kalia's P.O.V

"This looks and smells amazing!" I exclaim as the butler unveils the tray of food. He hands the tray to Max.
"Anything else Sir? And Madam?" The butler asks and I shake my head. Max smiles and then dismisses the butler. My attention turns to the delicious meal in front of me. As I reach for the fork to dig into what the chefs have prepared I find my hands are really shaky. I give a slightly annoyed sigh but to my surprise Max has already cut up most of the steak and has a couple bites on the fork ready for me.
"Remember Kalia, I'm here to help you until your strength returns. So no matter what's going on, shaky hands, emotional turmoil, or fears of fitting in with a higher society whatever it may be I'm right beside you the whole way" Max says and holds the fork up for me to eat from. I eat the bite, chew, and swallow.
"That's some really good tasting steak," my voice sounds happy as Max continues to feed me for a little bit. The shaking in my hands eventually stops permitting me to feed myself but Max doesn't give me the fork. I think he is secretly enjoying feeding me. I finish my food and the butler comes to clear the tray from the room. Max lifts me into his arms and carries me into the conjoined bathroom.
"Bath time for you," Max teases lightly but I know he's right. I need a hot bath to help me rest and relax. Max prepares the bath for me when there's a knock on the bedroom door. He looks at me as if to see if I'll be okay by myself for a minute. I give him a nod and he leaves the bathroom to go see who it is. Thanks to Karin's amazing hearing I find out that Courtney had gone back to the village with Collin to collect some of my clothes so I wasn't wearing the same clothes every day. I smile, Courtney's always looking out for me.
Max returns after a couple minutes with my pajamas before leaving to give me some privacy. I undress and sink slowly into the relaxing warm water. I sit in the water, soaking when someone mind-links me. Think you can just escape your duties at the bakery? Or have you forgotten about me? I can tell it's River, but what he wants I don't know nor do I care. He can't hurt me while I'm here in the castle.
You can't ignore me you know, the whole pack will think you're a slut River threatens.
Don't you have Morgan to go marry or something? Like honestly what do you even want with me now when you have her? I question, growling slightly.
I'm coming for what's mine, River states harshly.
Oh really? And what is your's exactly? I growl through the mind-link.
YOU! YOU ARE MINE! River howls and his voice disappears.

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