Can't You Call in Sick? | Huskerdust, fluff

595 13 17

Author's notes

sorry for the random inactivity ugh!!!

but today we have a very creative request from HuskerDustIsTehBest!!! I'm so excited to do this like omg!!!! I totally think that Husk would do this its so in character

Okay ill stfu now lets get started!!!

Neutral POV

Angel stumbled down the stairs, one hand on the railing and another covering his mouth as he yawned. Once he reached the lobby, Angel made his way to Husk's bar.

After Angel took a seat, Husk greeted him. "You're up early. What's the occasion?" He asked, while stocking the shelves of the bar.

Angel stretched his arms out while he replied. "Ah, ya know, early shift with Val. And I felt you get out of bed, so I decided to join ya downstairs." Angel looked around the bar. "Got any coffee here?"

Husk rolled his eyes, then knelt down and pulled out a coffee machine and two mugs. "Haven't you worked like 50 hours this week? Can't you call in sick?" Husk began brewing the coffee.

Angel sighed dramatically. "Nah. Val owns my soul, remember? I just gotta do what he wants me to do." Angel said bluntly, slight sorrow in his voice.

Husk understood Angel's issue. Husk was only at the hotel in the first place because Alastor made him. Husk shook himself out of his thoughts, and poured Angel and him some coffee.

"I guess you're right. Let's just enjoy the time you have before work." Husk suggested, a soft grin on his face.

Angel agreed and they changed the subject. Time flied and eventually Angel had to leave for work. Little did he know, Husk had a plan.

Husk knew Angel walked to the Vees' building. If Husk was fast enough, he could be able to get there before Angel, and if he were lucky, before Valentino and his crew. This was also a great opportunity to stretch out his wings.

Husk literally flew to the porn studio. It was bright and neon, almost like his old casino, but more feminine-looking. Before Husk could carry out his plan, he'd have to figure out the room Angel would be filming in. Even though it sounded simple enough, it wouldn't be.

Previously, Angel had mentioned Valentino's thing for waterboarding. If Husk had to guess, which he does, he'd guess that Valentino would project his kinks onto his work. So the first thing to check out would be a room that was prepared for filming some waterboarding porn.

Husk's logic served him well. He found the room and began tampering with the equipment set out. He changed around the lights, leaving a bright light in the corner to hopefully distract Valentino, and he placed a few of Pentious' loud, but tiny contraptions in the studio. After breaking a few things, Husk was satisfied with his work, and quickly left the building.

Angel swore that he caught sight of Husk fleeing the scene. Maybe he was just seeing things. After all, it wasn't in his peripheral view. Angel blew it off and entered the studio, making his way to his dressing room. He got ready, then entered the filming room. To his surprise, the place was in shambles. Val was too busy entertaining himself, so Travis was trying to get everything together. Eventually he gave up and told everyone to go home.

Angel returned to his dressing room, finally realizing what happened. He pulled out his phone and texted Husk, "thanks baby. be back in 15."

End notes

Holy cow this took forever 💔 im so sorry guys!!! writers block and school is getting in the way of this but ill try to get the last request completed soon.

Word count: 619

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