An Unexpected Turn of Events | Radioapple, fluff

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Author's notes

I really appreciate your support! I'm so sorry that the stories are taking a while to come out. They do take some time and I haven't had the time or motivation to work on them. However, I'll continue to get them finished and published when able!

Anyway, this chapter is a mix of Springle222 and So483ksmg4's requests! Thank you both for requesting, and I hope you enjoy!

Alright, without further ado, let's get on with it!

Neutral POV

After the argument Alastor and Lucifer had, they both unexpectedly wound up with feelings for each other. Lucifer liked being degraded and Alastor liked degrading.

The mutual feelings only grew after more interactions. They finally got the opportunity to talk about it when Charlie requested that they had a business date to clear up any issues between them.

Over a plate of apple crisp pie and a plate of still-bleating venison, the pair began conversing. At first, they just talked about Charlie and the hotel. Then their conversation trailed away from the topic and to Alastor's radio show and Lucifer's love for ducks. As their conversation became more casual, the tension between them seemed to melt.

It turns out that they had some things in common. They both hated porn, resented the idea of redemption, and loved suits.

Just when Alastor decided to pussy-down, Lucifer cleared his throat. "You know, Alastor, I've been wanting to talk to you about something." He stated bluntly, his neutral expression fading into something serious.

Alastor cocked his head to the side, his neck cracking. "What is it, my good fellow?" He asked before taking the last bite of his food.

Lucifer brushed his hand against Alastor's. "So- like, uhm-" Lucifer began awkwardly, his confidence disintegrating. "I kind of like you. I like kinda maybe uhm, like you like I liked my ex wife?"

Alastor sat there quietly, like a deer in headlights. He hadn't seen this kind of display from anyone other than the victims he manipulated when he was alive. "What did you say?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes, blush lightly forming on his cheeks. "You heard me, as- Alastor." Lucifer was starting to pick up curses from the hotel residents.

Alastor blinked twice, then shook himself out of his confusion. "Well, I suppose the feeling is mutual. Perhaps we should arrange more of these visits?" Alastor asked smoothly, his usual grin making him seem nonchalant.

"Yeah, uh, sure!" Lucifer replied, nodding enthusiastically.

Alastor stood up from his seat. He was glad that he and Lucifer had talked everything out. After dusting off his clean coat, Alastor hooked arms with Lucifer, who also got up. They exited the restaurant.

Alastor broke the contact. "I must continue my outing now. This.." Alastor trailed off, trying to think of a word to describe their date, without calling it a date "This was quite lovely and very productive. I await our next visit."

Just as Alastor was about to turn and leave, Lucifer boldly pulled Alastor to his level and pecked his lips. Lucifer frog blinked, realizing what he did. "Mhm, yup, bye!" He called out while speed-walking away.

Alastor tried to shrug the whole thing off. Lucifer's awkwardness was something he liked. It was amusing to him. However, the kiss was anything but. It was divine. After some thought, Alastor continued running his errands, ignoring the looks and whispers from the sinners around him.

End notes

Thank you so much for making it to the end omg!! i love writing date scenes :3

This was supposed to be a little spicy but i could not figure out how to add spiciness to this to save my life omfg 😭😭 im so sorry 💔

on another note, i really enjoyed writing this :3 stay tuned for some more chapters coming out sometime this week maybe???? maybe??? who knows maybe ill reopen requests soon. but yeah!!!! stay tuned!!

Word count: 658

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