Why did you Leave? | Adam x Mammon

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Author's notes

Heya! Thank you so much for checking out this chapter! This was requested by VictoriaKinderknecht. I think the plot of this request is really interesting because mammon and adam would totally be best friends 😭 theyre both such shitty people its insane!!!

Anyway, without further ado, let's get into it!

Neutral POV

It was extermination day. Adam had led his army of exterminators down to hell to kill off sinners. However, this year, things will be different. Lute was taking over temporarily because Adam heard that Mammon has been residing in hell.

Adam desperately wanted to confront Mammon. He was angry, sad, and felt betrayed. Before Mammon left heaven with Lucifer, he and Adam were very close. They played the guitar together, they harassed women together, and best of all, they slept together.

Then, without even saying goodbye, Mammon left him. He didn't know where he went, until he found out that the greedy bitch left him to follow Lucifer into HELL of all places. This treachery was one of the main motivations for Adam to lead the exterminators. Even if he would never (until today) see Mammon. It still felt like getting back at the bastard, so it made Adam feel better.

Hell is made up of seven rings. Because of the deal Lucifer made up top, the exterminators were only allowed to butcher the sinners, who could only be in the pride ring, so they were supposed to stay in that ring. However, Mammon became the sin of greed and is located in the greed ring, which is the fourth ring down. Just recently, Adam figured out that his magic wasn't really restricted and he was able to teleport to other places in hell.

So finally, knowing that Lute could handle the exterminators by herself, Adam opened a portal to Mammon's castle and stepped into it. He shouldn't stay long because it could piss off the seraphims.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." Adam began, glaring at the demon in front of him.

"Oh, fuck! Adam, you cunt, how have you been?" Mammon exclaimed, a wide grin on his face. He immediately recognized Adam's voice and knew it was him, even though he was in his uniform. But, he did not notice Adam's anger.

Adam, who was taken aback by the casual greeting, calmed down a bit. "Uhm. Fine? How are you?"

"Better than ever, bitch!" He stepped away from whatever he was doing. "It's been such a long time, Adam, I missed hanging out with you! Do you need anything? Some ribs, maybe?"

Despite the kind gesture, which was unlike Mammon, Adam snapped back into his anger. "No. I need answers. What the hell, Mammon? You just left me!"

Mammon flinched. "Oh yeah. Shit." His grin faded, but he didn't say anything else.

"That's all you have to say?" Adam asked, furrowing his brows. "Why did you do that? Why didn't you tell me?"

Mammon shrugged his shoulders. "Heaven has too many rules, that's why. Look at this place! If you were promised something like this, you would've accepted, wouldn't you?"

Adam ignored the question, but knew he would have accepted. "My point still stands! You could've told me first! I'm fucking Adam, THE man, and we had something! How couldn't you value that?" His voice cracked.

"I did value our relationship! I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you. The seraphims didn't want us 'converting' any angels." Mammon explained, keeping calm.

"Oh." Adam muttered, embarrassed. "Well that.. is believable."

Mammon held back a laugh. "You always struggled to admit when you're wrong." Using his powers, Mammon spawned in Adam's favorite ribs. "If you're done bitching and interrogating me, we've got some catching up to do."

Adam rolled his eyes. "Fine. I guess I can stay for a little while."

End notes

Istg these men were probably made for eachother 💀💀 i love that so much. But with this posted, that means I'm done with my requests! I do plan on making a story or two for myself, but my requests will be open again anyway! Keep in mind, the turnaround time could be a week or two. Thank you all for the support! I absolutely love the series and writing is such a fun hobby for me <3

Word count: 719

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