chapter 1- percy

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Percy, HELP!

Percy Jackson woke with a start, his messy dark brown hair plastered to his face with sweat. His sea-green eyes were wide in alarm, the girl's voice echoing in his head. Recently, his nightmares had gotten worse yet again.

As a demigod who had lived in Camp Half-Blood for years, Percy was used to waking up every morning drenched in sweat, his nightmare still fresh in his mind. But these had felt different. Worse, somehow. More powerful, as if telling him of a worse fate than ever before. The girl's frantic voice repeated in his head. He put his hands on his temples, pain pulsating through his brain. He felt as if he should know the girl, as if he should know her voice.

The images in his mind depicted her as a pretty blonde girl with warm brown eyes flecked with gold. She reminded him of Annabeth, his girlfriend, in a way. She had the same intensity in her eyes as if she had been through unimaginable pain as a young kid. He didn't know who she was, but he knew he needed to help her.

But first things first, he had to get out of bed. As he was about to brave opening his eyes to the harsh sunlight that filled the room, he heard a voice, gentle, yet firm.

"Come on, Seaweed Brain. We're going to be late." He stretched and yawned, lifting his eyelids to see Annabeth looming over him, her wavy blonde hair flowing over her shoulders. Her stormy gray eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

Man, she looks beautiful. Percy thought.

"Late for what, Wise Girl?"

"Our brunch with Rachel, Percy! We need to be there in 30 minutes!"

Right, Percy thought, Our brunch with Rachel.

"Alright, just let me change. I'll be ready in ten minutes."

Annabeth left the room as he changed into jeans and a blue t-shirt. He brushed his messy hair, eventually giving up as he felt an infinite amount of tangles popping up everywhere he had already brushed. They left and met Rachel at their favorite cafe in all of New Rome.

"Rachel!" Annabeth exclaimed as she caught sight of the orange-hair oracle sitting at an outdoor table. She quickly pulled her into a hug.

"Annabeth! How's school doing here?" she inquired.

"It's amazing!" Annabeth's eyes lit up like they always did when she talked about architecture.
"I'm studying to be an architect!"

"Percy, what about you? You aren't getting into any trouble, are you?"

"What? Me? Getting into trouble? Pfffff. Never!"

They erupted into laughter, old friends so grown up now. He remembered when he had first met Rachel, at the Hoover Dam.

"You know, I– Oh no, not again!" Green smoke billowed from Rachel's mouth and her eyes glowed a sickening neon green.

"Another prophecy?!" Annabeth exclaimed incredulously.

"12 Heroes must meet from afar
to show each other who they truly are
2 Greeks alone
2 masked and unknown
These same masked 2 are already home
"Mythological" the 8 will be
With lifespans known indefinitely
Brought together they must face
Villains old and new in the same place
To fix all is lost below and above
The 12 must meet in the city of love"

Percy and Annabeth's jaws dropped, eyes wide in shock.

"What?" Rachel wondered, "Oh, no, another prophecy?! What is it this time?!"

"I think we're due a trip back to Camp Half-Blood," Percy groaned.

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