" Shit.." I mutter.

" Another one was a teleporter, tried jumping and he left without his skeleton."

I shake my head, " Seems like everyone is dying because of them.."

" More then the last two years..yes."

" Any tips to get the damn signet thing moving?"

He seems to actually geniunely think before he shakes his head. " Can's ask me and you can't ask your dragons, they gave you the power but it's all on you..which you seem to be lacking in. Just..manifest so you don't explode and kill us all."

" I'll try my best." I mutter. " Anything else of value?"

" Yes actually."

He stops walking turning to me, I do the same crossing my arms looking up at him. " They'll be announcing the annual Squad Battle. People will go ape-shit for it, the prize this year they decided will be a trip to the front lines."

" Who would want to go straight to the front lines? Gives you a bigger chance to die before graduation?"

" Because the squads will feel ahead, getting a taste of the future. They'll be taking them to the more secluded lines but..everyone will want to win the title of best squad." Xaden answers.

" Is that why your training me so hard, to get me on the front and get myself killed?"

He chuckles, " Found out my master plan.. NO, it's still for our safety. But, you and Liam I want for the mat challenges. I already put my request in to Aetos. I'm sure you won't be half bad."

" Why can't you just admit I'm a good fighter? At least once a session I best you."

" But you've never fully won a session yet."

" Your such an ass.."

" What do you want me to let you win like your bestfriend and admirer would do?" He snaps. " No. Because no one out there is ever going to go easy on you Fury. I'm preparing you. Maybe if you get out of such a sucky mindset you'll manifest."

" Screw you Riorson." I snap.

" You'd like that to much." He muters pushing himself off the wall, " Walk."

We walk again before Xaden talks, " The challenge is another Gauntlet time, don't fall this time."

" I won't. But I'm sure your shadows will be there."

" Never can be to careful with you.. They'll also be judging riding maneuvers, You and Rhys are the fastest from what I hear."

" It's unnerving how fast he is."

His jaw seems to tick, " Well aware. And Signet... with you having nothing...Hurry up and get one. Plus whatever else they decide to add in, Impress me."

" How long do we have?"

" About a month yet."

Once we reach the door of the combat room he steps ahead.. holding it for me. I puase for just a second looking at him. His eyes narrow " What now?"

" You can be a decent man at times."

" My dad taught me right." He says blandly making me snide smirk fall, he doesn't skip a beat as he walks. " Warm up and get on the mat."

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