Y/n: You see Hicca not all dragons are out there to kill you. When you gain the trust of a dragon. There is nothing they wouldn't do for you.

(Hicca looks at the ground deep in though while Y/n and Fafnir are having fun)

Great Hall

(A storm is brewing outside. The great doors rattle on their hinges)

Gobber: Alright. Where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?

(The recruits are seated at a table, eating dinner by the glow of the fire pit)

Astrid: I mistimed my summersault dive. It was sloppy. It threw off my reverse tumble.

(That earns eye rolls from the group)

Ruffnut: Yeah. We noticed.

Snotlout: No, no, you were great. That was so 'Astrid'.

Gobber: She's right, you have to be tough on yourselves.

(CREAK. All eyes turn to Y/n and Hicca, entering the hall, Hicca looks at them sheepishly. Gobber glares at her)

Gobber: Where did Hicca go wrong?

(Y/n takes a mug and walks to a table next to the table where the others are sitting at much to Astrids disappointment. Hicca tries to take a seat at the table...)

Ruffnut: She showed up.

Tuffnut: She didn't get eaten.

(... but the recruits keep closing the gaps. Rolling her eyes, Hicca goes to sits next to Y/n. Astrid glares at Hicca)

Astrid: She's never where she should be.

Gobber: Thank you, Astrid. And what about Y/n?

Astrid: Nothing really. He was flawless like most of the time.

(Y/n chuckles a little)

Y/n: Thanks Astrid.

Gobber: And that's why you need to try and be like him.

(Gobber stands up)

Gobber: You need to live and breathe this stuff.

(Gobber lays a giant book in the center of the table)

Gobber: The dragon manual. Everything we know about every dragon we know of.

(A rumble of thunder shakes the hall. Rain pours down outside)

Gobber: No attacks tonight. Study up.

(Gobber exits into the storm, leaving the teens staring at the book)

Tuffnut: Wait, you mean read?

Ruffnut: While we're still alive?

Snotlout: Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about?

Fishlegs: Oh! I've read it like, seven times. There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face. And there's this other one that buries itself for like a week...

(The teens stare as Fishlegs goes on too long)

Tuffnut: Yeah, that sounds great. There was a chance I was going to read that...

Ruffnut: ...but now...

(Snotlout gets up to go)

Snotlout: You guys read, I'll go kill stuff.

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