In the year 917, High Council man Isleif died at his writing table

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In the year 917, High Council man Isleif died at his writing table. May the Gods bless us all.

In the year 918, I took up writing the chronicles, and I do not know what to write. No one has died. May the Gods bless us all.

In the year 919, Crown Princess Rúna delivered a healthy baby, a daughter and future queen named Lady Freyja. She laboured for fourteen hours, and the Prince Consort Sihtric tossed Donnchad of Irland from his horse when he heard the news. The Gracious Queen gifted the young lady a pup as a gift, the last of Arya's litter before her passing, a golden wolf called Sol. I pray Valhalla is good to you, noble wolf. May the Gods bless us all.

In the year 922, King Edward of Wessex marched against Northumbria again. He raised a fyrd in a last attempt as his health failed him, trying to restore Wessex to its former glory. Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg joined by Queen Gyda and Prince Consort Sihtric attended the battle. Edward fell from his horse after being struck by an arrow and, thus, came the end of Edward the Elder's reign. Notable casualties of the battle include Lord Henrick of Northumbria, who died with an axe in his hand and a song in his throat. I pray Valhalla is good to him. May the Gods bless us all.

In the year 923, just before spring began, Crown Prince Aethelstan left Northumbria and took the Saxon throne in Wessex. As a token of good faith, Prince Emil attended the coronation and remained in close company of the new King for three months. Wessex and Northumbria signed a treaty of peace due to this. Crown Princess Rúna delivered her second child, a son and prince, Fenrir. May the Gods bless us all.

In the year 924, guided by poor choices, King Aethelstan of Wessex led an attack against Northumbria and Mercia. Crown Princess Rúna met him in battle along with Prince Emil and Prince Consort Sihtric. Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg joined the battle as well and sustained heavy injuries. Northumbria declared the peace treaty broken and Irland and Scotland joined Northumbria's side to defend her. Notable casualties of the first battle include Lady Bryngerd of Gyruum and Jarl Ingemar of Lindisfarne, who died together, laughing. I pray Valhalla welcomes them. May the Gods bless us all.


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