Chapter Forty: Ominis Lucian

Start from the beginning

Corvina was already there when they showed up. She was pacing nervously and picking at her fingers when she looked up and saw Sebastian and Anne. "Father's inside talking to Professor Black," she told them. "Professor Weasley told me to wait here until she found Ominis. You don't think he ran away, do you?"

Sebastian grinned coyly at her. "What, and miss this?"

As soon as he said that, they heard footsteps.

Ominis was also dressed in his formal dark emerald Slytherin jacket and vest, opting not to wear his school robes today. Not a hair was out of place, and his face was determined and stoic as he stood straight and walked with purpose. He looked like the perfect picture of a noble heir.

Sebastian knew better. This was Ominis prepared for battle.

His hand was holding onto Sabrina, who was wearing her robes over her own formal uniform set. Her face was also hardened, but her eyes showed just how nervous and scared she really was. The pair was being led by Professor Weasley. Sebastian noticed that even the headmistress looked like she was preparing for something with how serious her face was.

"I'm afraid that only Mister Gaunt and his sister are allowed into the Headmaster's office at this time," Professor Weasley addressed the group.

Sabrina squeezed Ominis' hand.

"Sebastian is coming with me," Ominis said at once.

Professor Weasley turned to him. "I'm afraid your fathers' instructions–"

"Sebastian comes with me."

His words made her stop and she did not protest further.

Ominis turned to Sabrina, lowering his head towards her. "You don't want me with you?" she asked him quietly.

"He's already been telling anyone who will listen how you manipulated me into running away. Your presence could upset him further, and I need you safe." Ominis placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her softly. "Be a good girl and stay here. Please."

Sabrina wanted to protest, but when she tried Anne came over and grabbed Sabrina's other hand. "Come along. We'll go to class," she said before she looked up at Ominis and Sebastian. "Be careful."

Sebastian nodded. "Of course."

Regretfully, Ominis and Sabrina let go of each other. When the girls were gone, Ominis turned his face towards Sebastian. "Did you get the letter out?"

"It's on its way to Mr. Lewis now."

"Good." Ominis took a deep breath and straightened his back again. "Corvina?"

His younger sister walked up to him.

"Whatever you do, let me do the talking."

Corvina stared at Ominis for a while before she too was nodding. "I understand."

Despite how perfect Ominis was looking, Sebastian knew that Atticus Gaunt was the source of Ominis' nightmares and insecurities, the real reason why Ominis had been so tense his entire life. He knew his best friend was a nervous wreck under the facade of indifference he was portraying right now.

Until their fifth year, Ominis Gaunt had been afraid of his past. But not anymore.

Sebastian felt himself nearly bouncing with excitement. He was nervous, but the thrill of seeing Ominis finally get what he wanted and seeing Atticus get a taste of what he deserved easily masked whatever uneasiness he should have been feeling.

"Protect him," Theo had instructed Sebastian before they left. "You being there will be enough to remind Ominis of his strength. You don't need to say anything, just be his loyal guard dog."

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