Maya: No. I can't lose you again

Me: You never had me back

Maya: Aria, the moment I saw you walk into the barn it's like my heart was complete again. I regretted leaving you. I really did. So, no you're not handing your papers in. I'll leave you alone. I'll stop talking to you. I'll make them back down from speaking about me to you. Just, don't leave. Please.

I get up and leave once she finished talking. I went to the locker rooms and I went and showered. Once I got out I went to my locker and drank some of my painkillers. After, I changed into some new clothes and someone walked in. It was Vic.

Vic: Hey little Bishop *she smiles*

Me: Please, I don't have time for the nicknames right now

Vic: Someone's mad

I close my door and I start to walk away. She stopped me and she made me sit down on the bench.

Vic: Well do you want to hear about what happened on call today?

Me: Not really no

Vic: Well I'll tell you anyways *she smiles* We got called to this school and turns out new guy's son pulled the fire alarm.

Me: Ben?

Vic: Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways he led us to a bathroom where there was a little girl on the floor. She was pregnant.

Me: *gasps sarcastically*

Vic: Okay okay you didn't have to pretend. Anyways she was in labor so she gave birth, but she was struggling to push the baby out so I made her sing 'I'm a little tea pot'. *she started showing me the hand signs and how she calmed her down*

Me: Wait why that song?

Vic: Because it helps me control my breathing so I thought it would help her too. Anyways

Me: Wait isn't it supposed to break when the baby comes out?

Vic: Yeah. Then we saw that the cord was still attached. But new guy said that we needed to get it out and clear its airway. The thing was we didn't have any medical tools and backup..

Me: No aid car?

Vic: Well Andy sent it away thinking it was just a pulled fire alarm. Then I looked down at the baby and it wasn't moving. But then it twitched.

Me: Wow

Vic: Then new guy tears the sack by pinching it and I had to use a straw to help it breathe and she woke up.

Me: First time you did that?

Vic: Yeah it was very scary but the baby is alive.

Me: I bet you did great. Now can I go?

Vic: You didn't care did you?

Me: I had no choice but to listen what do you expect *I shrug my shoulders*

I gave her a little grin and I left the locker room. I went back to the front desk and I sat down. I grabbed one of the resignation papers and I started to fill it out. The next thing I knew Ben appeared behind me. I quickly flipped over the paper and I turned around to face him.

Ben: So what's that?

Me: Nothing

Ben: I know you're new here Aria, but I know when people lie to me. So what is it?

Me: *I showed him the paper* resignation letter

Ben: You're resigning?

Me: Yeah, I'll try and find another station to get transferred to. I just don't think this station is for me.

Before he could start to say something, Dispatch comes on and everyone gets called except me. I see everyone running and Andy looks at me.

Andy: Come on little Bishop let's get your hands dirty. You're in the engine with me, Bishop, and new guy let's go.

Me: Oh no

I ran out of the front desk and I started to put my gear on. Once everything is on I hopped in the back and I sat beside Ben. I noticed him staring at me and he motions for me to take off my headset so that Andy and Maya couldn't hear us talking.

Ben: So, you're really resigning?

Me: I guess so.

Ben: But you just started here. You can't leave me and make me the only 'new' guy around here.

Me: You'll be fine. You don't even know me that well

Ben: What I do know is that if you're Bishop's little sister, you're one hell of a firefighter.

Me: Well I don't have to be at this station to prove that. I'm resigning tonight.

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