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"...And she's around all the time!" You continue to whine as you lay backwards over the edge of Hitoshi's bed.

He watches you through lidded, tired eyes that aren't adorned with makeup today, nodding his head as he continues to idly strum his guitar while listening to you.
You feel a little guilty for complaining to him about Aoi when you hadn't seen him in person for a while on account of UA being on high alert and also training everyone even harder than before since Midoriya had gone rogue.
Everyone else on the hero courses wanted to prove that they could handle themselves and that he didn't need to abandon UA and his friends in order to keep everyone else around him safe.

It was why you wouldn't complain if he wanted to play his guitar mindlessly while you vented. He deserved a little fun in his rare spare time.
Especially if he was having to listen to you moan about things that weren't that bad in comparison to his training schedule and lack of personal time currently.

"She sounds nice." Hitoshi says as calmly as ever, his fingers still gliding over the fretboard.

"But that's the problem! She's too nice! There's no way after the dragon that was Rai that they would hire someone as nice as her!" You insist.

"Maybe." He shrugs. "But maybe she's just nice."

You don't really like the fact he's standing up for her for some reason. You wanted to be validated in your annoyance, not have him play devil's advocate, even if it was a little unfair on the petite blonde that had been in your home or just generally around the two of you more often than not since your first meeting.

"She's just sucking up to Keigo." You huff stubbornly.

"Sounds like she's trying to suck up to you, babe." Hitoshi comments with a raised, purple eyebrow. "Coming around and helping you to paint and decorate your room isn't exactly helping him."

"No, but it makes her look good to him." You argue.

Hitoshi smirks at you. "Relax. Just see how it goes with her. It's early days."

"I can't relax. Keigo goes all fluffy and mushy around her, it's disgusting." You groan. "I don't want her to start thinking she's my new mom."

"You don't know she thinks that. She's probably just trying to do her job after Rai did a trash job of it." Hitoshi insists gently. "You shouldn't get so worked up about something you can't control. It's a waste of energy."

You give up at this point. Hitoshi was far too calm and levelheaded to get any kind of validating response from him, apparently.
You go quiet, just listening to him play nothing in particular as he sits in his chair, spinning himself slowly from side to side. He watches you carefully, his lavender eyes fixed on you even as he plays. You can feel them even as you stare up at the ceiling.
Eventually, he stops playing and leans his guitar against his desk.

"Come here." He says gently, patting his lap.

Your stomach begins to flutter, and your wings fluff up not too dislike Keigo's do when he's around Aoi.
Hitoshi smirks knowingly at the sight of it, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Shut up." You mutter, looking away from him again and willing your feathers to smooth down.

"C'mon." He encourages, wheeling his chair even closer to you.

You give him a playful sharp look, but can't help but smile and pull yourself upright again, getting off his bed and cautiously sitting on his lap, trying to put most of your weight on your feet while draping your wings over the arm of the chair as comfortably as possible.

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