Malicious Compliance

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Turned out, despite being forced quirkless and weak thanks to her hunger strike, Star was incredibly strong anyway.
Whenever Keigo tried to allow her out of the room to do things peacefully, she refused, throwing her fists at you both and trying to kick, bite, scratch and harm you in any way she possibly could, like some kind of feral dog.
And sure, when she caught you off guard it hurt, but it wasn't bad enough for Keigo to ring Rai up and ask if he could have more or whatever she'd given her for the car journey to your home.

Rai had refused anyway, telling Keigo that you both just needed to work around it. She was only an eleven year old, so what real harm could she do without her quirk?
As it turned out, a lot, because one of the days after Keigo had locked her in the room, she had literally torn it apart. The bed had somehow been shredded, the wooden furniture had been clawed at and chewed on, and the door had blood stains on it from her clawing at the wood trying to get out. When he'd seen her she'd managed to tear the feeding tube from her nose and had severely damaged fingertips, as well as aggravated burn wounds on her arm thanks to the scraping and bumping of her arm against everything she'd insisted on destroying.

That had secured Keigo a couple of doses of sedative for her, only for extreme cases. They'd knocked her out to reinsert the feeding tube and to rearrange the room and try to tidy up so it wasn't as 'disturbing' for her to be in.
Something told you that despite how the room looked, she was going to be disturbed just from the mere fact she was living with you both.
The first injection had been used after she'd woken up in the middle of the night and screamed solidly with only a few pauses for breath. Keigo had come to your door, his short hair even more messy than usual and dark rings under his eyes, holding the sedative in one hand and his text-to-speech box in his other hand, requesting you help him restrain her for long enough for him to safely sedate her.

You'd taken a few blows while holding her down, apologizing to her mentally and trying to soothe her by telling her it was just to help her get back to sleep again, but she'd kept straining and wiggling and trying to headbutt you anyway, crying out for a man that wasn't going to come to save her.
The second injection had been for when Endeavor came around to discuss something with Keigo. You'd both managed to get her to shut up and stop lashing out by giving her a pen and some paper, so her attention was elsewhere.
She already looked distressed when Endeavor walked in, but was even more distressed when he addressed her directly.

"I'm so sorry for what my son did to you." He'd said, bowing his body thirty degrees.

"I don't know who you are." She'd sneered back. "Go away."

"She doesn't know?" Endeavor had asked Keigo, who had shrugged.

And then when he'd explained who he was, and the fact he was Dabi's dad, Star's face had crinkled up more and more in disgust.

"Dabi said you're a mean, scary man. I hate you." She had said simply. "Go away or I'll scream."

"Star..." You'd begun, only for Keigo to glare at you for using the incorrect name for her.

Endeavor had sighed, reaching for her. "Dabi..."

He hadn't managed to finish his sentence or make contact with Star before she had bitten him, her jaw locking around his meaty hand and refusing to loose even when he tried to shake her off.
And given the extent of the accusations against him, Endeavor hadn't lost his temper with her, or even looked a little in pain as her teeth were clamped down on him. Even you and Keigo had instinctively moved to retaliate when she'd managed to make contact with you both.
She only let go of the towering man when Keigo grabbed her and cheerily announced that it was 'naptime'. Naturally, this got her freaking out even more, and she screamed as he dragged her upstairs, yelling at him about how he's friends with bad people because Endeavor used to hurt his kids.

It was a little awkward to listen to while you were in Endeavor's presence.

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