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You were finally, somewhat, relaxed.

Keigo's 'five minutes' had turned into two hours, and after Rumi had told you that the extra time meant he wasn't just blindly following orders and that 'meant he had to use his brain for once', you were admittedly being optimistic and hoping for the best.

The best being not being killed by Rai, because you definitely couldn't put it past her.

You were huddled up under the blanket for now, though. Lying on your side and watching some brainless TV show Rumi had put on. She was loyally by your side the entire time, only ever getting up to get you water, or to try and get you to snack on something from time to time.

When Keigo comes back, you actually startle a little. You must have started to doze off, because you're suddenly very aware and very awake as you sit up slowly, rubbing your eyes.

"Thought you were the man that's too fast for your own good?" Rumi pokes as Keigo shrugs off his jacket at the door.

"Ha, ha, ha." Keigo rolls his eyes and begins pulling things out of his jacket pockets.

A box, and a rolled up piece of paper from what you could see.

He approaches you with a grin, an actual grin, one that reached his eyes and his wings fluffed behind him that could only really mean good things. You could tell a lot from his wings, after all.

He hands you the piece of paper first, shooing Rumi away from your feet so he can sit there instead, draping his wings over the back of the seat.

You roll the rubber band upwards to unfurl the paper, scanning your eyes over the paperwork.

"Uh... thanks?" You ask, looking at him in confusion.

It was just your adoption papers, nothing you didn't already know about.
Keigo winces a little bit, and Rumi rolls her eyes.

"Context, wings." She nudges.

"Right, right." Keigo runs his hands through his hair. "Uh... Rai wasn't too impressed, obviously. Said you had to go, but she's horrible and heartless, so..."

You aren't surprised, but it stings still. Your hands lower, but still cling to the paper, as if clinging to the life you'd made for yourself under Keigo's care.

"Read it again." Keigo encourages, tapping the paper patiently with his index finger.

So you do, but it's no different the second time. When you turn your head to look at him again, you can see his golden eyes searching your face for something, some kind of reaction probably.
So you read it again.

This time, you realise it doesn't say Hakuchō. It says Y/N Takami.

You look up at him, admittedly touched that he'd finally listened to you and allowed you to have your name back instead of continuing to call you Hakuchō.

"You changed it?" You ask.

"I adopted you." He replies, pointing at the paper again.

You follow his finger, reading his name on the paperwork, still a little confused.

"See, Keigo Takami." He says, almost proudly, and then grins and meets your eyes again. "They own Hawks, not Keigo. And now Keigo has you."

His eyes are sparkling as he looks at you, watching you piece it together slowly. Your face morphs from confused to awed as you look at him in disbelief.

"You still want me? Even though I lost Star?" You ask, not quite believing him.

"Of course I do." Keigo shrugs. "I'm not very good at this, and I'll be learning on the job but you're a cool kid, you're smart, funny... I like having you around."

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